The People tab is the place in Deputy for managers to view, add or amend information about their team members.
- Who can access the People tab?
- What can I do in the People tab?
- Searching for team members
- Filtering the People tab
- Set what to display on the People tab
- Bulk actions
- Adding importing and exporting team member information
Who can access the People tab?
Managers with a user access level of System Administrator, Location Manager, Supervisor as well as Advisor can access the People tab in Deputy. The information available for viewing or amending in each team member's profile will be limited depending on the user's access level.
System Administrators, Location Managers and Advisors may also access Deputy HR via the People tab, where available (AU and UK).
What can I do in the People tab?
The People tab lists all the team members added to your Deputy account.
Managers can access each team member's profile page by clicking on their name or click on the three dots on the right of the page to select from the quick action menu.
Managers can also search, filter, display different information, apply bulk actions to multiple team members' profiles and add or import new team member information.
Searching for team members
By default, the People tab lists all employed team members in your Deputy account, alphabetically by first name.
Only the first 100 team members will be displayed. To view the remaining, or next 100, team members please click the right arrow or select the desired page to view.
Search by text or numbers
You can enter text or numbers into the search field and then click Search to find the team member(s) you need.
The search field will use the text you enter to look for matches from the data in the following fields in your list of team members:
- First name
- Last name
- Preferred name (if enabled)
- Email address
- Mobile phone number
- Payroll ID
Note: The search will only be applied to team members currently displayed in the list so if you have already applied a filter then you will only be searching WITHIN the filtered list of team members and not searching ALL team members in your account.
Clear the search
If you wish to reset the search and view all team members in your list, simply delete all text from the search field so that it is empty and click Search again.
Note: this will not reset any filters you have also applied. To also remove any filters you have applied you will need to click Clear.
Filtering the People tab
Managers can click on the Filters drop-down menu to select filters to choose a specific data set to display in the People tab.
Note: These filtered selections will be 'remembered' while you are working within Deputy even if you click away to another tab and return to the People tab. They will be reset, however, if you manually Clear the filter, refresh your browser or log out of Deputy.
Choose to display team members who are:
- All (employed and archived)
- Archived
- Employed (default filter)
Choose to display team members who are:
- All
- Waiting Reply (have been invited to join Deputy)
- Accepted
- Declined
- No invitation sent
Onboarding Status
Available when Deputy HR new hire onboarding is enabled.
Select one or more options to display team members who have:
- Onboarding sent
- Onboarding in progress
- Awaiting manager approval
- Onboarding completed
Employment Location
Choose to display team members who are associated with:
- All (any location in your Deputy account)
- A specific location in your Deputy account
Note: to appear in the filtered team member list for a specific location, the team member only needs to be listed as 'Works at' the location in their profile, it does not necessarily need to be the Primary location for this team member.
Payroll ID
Choose to display team members who have:
- All (team members who don't have a payroll ID AND team members who do have a payroll ID entered)
- Yes (a payroll ID has been entered in their employee profile)
- No (no payroll ID has been entered in their employee profile)
Select one or more options to display team members with specific training added to their profile.
Training Expiry
Choose to display team members who have training expiring with the following:
- Any (displays team members with either training expiring, expired or no expiry)
- No expiry
- Expired
- Expires in the next 30 days
- Expires in the next 60 days
- Expires in the next 90 days
Leave Type
Select one or more options to display team members with specific leave types added to their profile
Choose to display team members with the following Deputy access level assigned:
- All (shows all team members regardless of access level)
- System Administrator
- Supervisor
- Employee
- Location Manager
- Advisor
Stress Profile
Choose to display team members with a specific stress profile assigned or display all.
2-Factor authentication
Choose to display team members with:
- All (2 Factor authentication enabled or not set up)
- 2 Factor authentication not set up
- 2 Factor authentication enabled
Pay rates
Select one or more options to display team members with specific pay rates added to their profile.
Clear the filter
If you need to reset any filters you have applied to view all (employed) team members in your Deputy account just click Clear.
Note: clicking Clear will also remove any entered text from the search field and the relevant search results.
Set what to display on the People tab
The People tab lists your team members by displaying them alphabetically with:
- The team members' profile photo (if a photo has been added, if not, then their initials in a circle will be displayed)
- The team members' preferred name (if enabled). Note: Their legal name will be displayed within their profile.
- The team members' access level
Managers also have the option to select other information to show on the People tab by clicking on Display and selecting the desired options:
- Main or Primary location (click on the team member's profile to see any other locations the team member works at)
- Status (whether the team member is employed or archived)
- Email address
- Mobile phone number
- Stress profile
- Training
- Pay rates
- Payroll ID
- Leave balance
- Connected to (third-party software connections) This is only displayed for some software connections.
The selections will be 'remembered' for each manager even if they click away to another tab and return to the People tab, log out of Deputy or refresh their browser.
If you add many selections to display on the People tab you may find that they will not fit across the width of your browser screen so you will need to scroll horizontally across the screen to view all information for each team member.
Bulk actions
Managers may amend information in a team member's profile individually but some fields are also able to be amended or applied to multiple team members at once by applying a 'bulk action'.
To use the bulk action feature in the People tab select the team members you wish to apply the action to using the tick boxes on the left-hand side of their name. You may wish to use the search bar and or filter to help you find the team members you need. You can select all by ticking the box at the top of the column next to Name.
Click on Bulk actions and select the action you wish to apply.
In the example below, four team members have been selected to bulk action sending an invite to join Deputy.
Managers can also use bulk action to:
- add a new location to team members' profiles
- set or amend their access level
- set or amend their stress profiles
- add training
- send a message via News Feed
- Sync with Xero (if connected and configured)
- Set pay rates
- set leave balances
- add leave entitlements
- archive team members
- set regular working hours
- set standard hours
- export team member details (active team members only - if you need to export archived team member information please instead use this export tool)
Note: if a menu option is greyed out then it means that action is not possible with the team members you have selected.
Adding importing and exporting team member information
The People tab also allows managers to: