Note: you can also invite team members to Deputy via email, read Adding team members for more information on email invites.
Before we begin, ensure you are logged into Deputy as a Location Manager, System Administrator or Advisor.
Creating a Team member invite link
This Invite Link guides team members to set up their Deputy account so managers only need to approve their invitation. As a manager, you are always in control of who can join your Deputy workspace.
Using the Invite Link means you don't need to have a team member's email address. Simply post this link to your social communication platforms such as WhatsApp, Messenger or Facebook Groups and the employee will use the link to add their contact details as part of the guided setup process.
Note: If your Deputy account is using the Single Sign On feature, you will not have the invite link feature available for use.
Creating a link via Deputy on web
To obtain a link from Deputy web that you can share with your team, select the Add People option from the People tab, then either Add Team member or Add multiple Team members.
From here you will have access to Invite with link and a unique link code that you can share with your team.
Simply click on the Copy link button and begin sharing with your team across any social platform that you and your team use to communicate.
Note: If you have already invited a team member via email, they will not be able to use the invite link to join Deputy. Please ask them to accept the invite in the email they would have received. You can resend an invite email via the People tab on web application under the Options button.
When a team member follows the link, they will be directed to an invitation page where they will be able to create their account. The team member will need to enter their email, full name, mobile number (optional) and password.
Once the team member has created their account, a request is sent to their manager for approval. To locate these requests, navigate to the 'People' tab where you will find the 'invite link requests' at the top of the 'People' list. Select View to open up and approve requests.
Here you will find all invite requests that can be individually approved as well as the option to select the location you wish to approve the team member/s for. To bulk approve the invite requests, you can use the Select all option.
To approve a request, simply tick the check box next to the team member's name and select Accept.
You can also add the team member to an existing Deputy user you might have entered manually. You do this by clicking Add to existing and finding the existing user to merge profiles with.
Invite requests will remain available until you either Decline, Accept or Add to existing. You can come back at any time and as often as you like, to resume approving requests.
Note: All Location Managers, Advisors & System Administrators in the account will receive an email notifying them an invite request is waiting to be reviewed. If the request is not accepted or declined, an email will be sent daily to each Location Manager, Advisor & System Administrator in the account until the request is accepted or declined.
Creating a link via Deputy on our mobile apps
Inviting team members and approving their requests can also be achieved solely from a mobile phone.
Within the Deputy app, navigate to the 'People' tab and select the '+' icon from the top right corner of the app (on Android, use the floating round '+' button).
Choose 'Invite with link' from the options available and either tap the link to copy it or select 'Share link'.
Using the 'Share link' option will allow for easy sharing across any communication platform that is suitable for you and your team.
Once the team member has received the link and successfully created their account, the manager will begin receiving invite link requests within the People tab. From here, managers can proceed with approving any invite requests for their team members.
Note: All Location Managers, Advisors & System Administrators in the account will receive an email notifying them an invite request is waiting to be reviewed. If the request is not accepted or declined, an email will be sent daily to each Location Manager, Advisor & System Administrator in the account until the request is accepted or declined.
Deactivating an invite link
If you would like to stop an Invite Link from being used, you can deactivate it via Deputy web. Simply select the Add People option from the People tab, then 'Add / Import Multiple People' or 'Add Single Person'.
You will find the 'Deactivate link' option under the ellipses (...).
Once you click on the Deactivate Link option the link will no longer be active.
Note that team members will no longer be able to use the Invite Link once it's been deactivated.
If you deactivated your Invite Link due to spam, you can now then generate a new one that is secure and unique to your Deputy workplace.