Let's look at the global settings System administrators can configure within Business settings to make the Deputy work better for their organisation.
- Accessing Business settings
- Watch a video on a quick guide to Business settings
- General
- People
- Branding
- Schedule
- Timesheets
- Custom Terms
- Leave
- Pay (US and UK only)
- Upcoming feature
Accessing Business settings
If you are logged in as a System administrator or Advisor you can access Business Settings from the drop-down menu under your name on the Deputy website.
Watch a video on a quick guide to Business settings
The General tab in Business settings allows you to configure or edit:
- Business Name: edit your Business Name. Note: As well as changing your business name, it's also possible to change your Deputy URL.
- Time Format: whether the time is displayed in AM/PM format or 24 hour time
- Date Format: how the date is displayed
- Number/Locale Format: Select your required currency number format
- Allow SMS Notifications (charges apply): This is a global setting so turning this OFF will not allow any SMS notifications to be sent from your account. It overrides any selection a manager makes when notifying staff when publishing shifts. Note: this setting is defaulted to OFF for all Deputy free trial accounts and will need to be enabled by the System Administrator if they wish to turn it on after reviewing costs.
- Enable support access for the account: you will need this set to ON to get help and support.
- Login: Enforce two-factor authentication by role in your organisation.
- Single Sign-on settings: Click the link to configure your SSO settings. (Enterprise plans only)
Don't forget to click Apply Changes before you leave Business Settings.
The People tab in Business Settings allows you to configure or edit:
- Display Preferred names: You can decide whether you allow your team members to display their preferred names in Deputy.
- Display Pronouns: When you toggle this option ON Deputy will display the pronouns for your team members as they have entered in their profile.
- Location manager scan see costs for all roles when scheduling: Location managers will check/manage wage costs of any people from all of the roles when they get scheduled (including the peer or above managers, regardless they are salary or hourly paid) from Schedule/Report/People tabs. If this option is toggled off, Location managers will only be able to see wage costs of the employees reporting to them in Schedule/Reports/People tabs. Read Smart Scheduling 101 for more information.
- Display Gender on Team Member Profile: When you toggle this option on Deputy will display the gender your team members have entered in their profile.
- Delete all Gender data from business: Clicking Delete will remove all gender data from your Deputy account including pronouns.
- Manage Profile Picture: Off by default, this setting allows managers to have control over the photos uploaded to each employee profile in their organisation.
- News Feed: Control which team members can post News Feed messages or comment on others' posts by enabling or disabling specific access levels for both posting and commenting.
- Manage Stress Profiles: Clicking this link will enable you to create and modify stress profiles and scheduling limitations for your team.
- Manage Training Modules: Clicking this link will allow you to edit or remove training modules or training records applied to your areas and team members.
- Documents: Manage document types and signature templates (only available with optional add-on subscription Deputy HR)
Don't forget to click Apply Changes before you leave Business Settings.
The Branding tab in Business Settings allows you to configure or edit:
- Upload your logo (PNG, JPG or GIF max 2MB)
- Restore to Default
- Choose the colour theme of your Deputy account to coordinate with your organisation's colour palette.
Read more in Customise your branding.
Don't forget to click Apply Changes before you leave Business Settings.
The Schedule tab in Business Settings allows you to configure or edit:
- Shift Custom Field: set up custom fields for your shifts.
- Shift Templates: This option applies to US customers who may wish to apply shift/break templates.
- Schedule Sort Options: Click on this link to choose the filter categories you want available to sort your team members by in the Schedule. Don't forget to click Save for any changes.
- Show regular working hours on schedule: allows you to view / hide regular working hours information on the schedule tab as required.
Enable Schedule Sync with calendar applications: you can set the permission options for who is allowed to sync a schedule to their calendar including:
- anyone with the calendar link
- anyone with a Deputy login
- no one can sync
- Overnight shift allocation: choose how the allocation of the cost of hours for hourly workers' overnight shifts is distributed. Choose from attributing the cost to the day the shift starts or spreading the cost across both days according to the number of hours worked each day.
- Show extra detail in the Stats panel on week view: ticking this check box will provide more detail in the stats panel on the schedule view but may increase load times to display the information in this view. The statistics are shown in 1 hour blocks by default but if you check this box then the statistics displayed in the week view will be displayed in 15 minute blocks.
- Include empty /open shifts in scheduled wages and scheduled hours. Read more about assigning a projected cost to your empty and open shifts including nominating a default empty or open shift cost.
- Labor Models: you can set separate permissions to determine who can view/run or modify/delete the labor models set up in your organisation. The default option is for System Administrator and Location Manager to be able to view/run and modify/delete labor modeling but you can remove or add roles from each set of functions as required. Note: you can not remove the System Administrator role from this setting.
Don't forget to click Apply Changes before you leave Business Settings.
Note: the settings on this page affect all locations in your business but there are more scheduling settings you can customise on a location-by-location basis.
The Timesheets tab in Business Settings allows you to configure or edit:
- Timeclocks: Click to set up or manage Deputy Time Clocks or Kiosks associated with your organisation.
- Shift Questions: Click here to create or modify the questions your team are asked when they clock on or off from a shift.
- Recalculate approved timesheets in chronological order: Select which timesheets apply when recalculating timesheets.
- Capture Shift Pulse: Turn on Shift Pulse for team members using Deputy on the mobile app.
- Allow Unpaid Leave timesheets to be exported: toggle this option on if you wish to export timesheets of Unpaid Leave.
- Allow your team members to clock in with a photo on Kiosk if they forget their PIN. Team members who forget their PIN to clock in via the Kiosk can have it sent to them or you can allow them to clock in without the PIN but take a photo to store with the timesheet to confirm it's them.
- Allow team members to submit timesheets in a non-worked area: Turn this on to allow team members to submit timesheets in a non-worked area.
Don't forget to click Apply Changes before you leave Business Settings.
Note: the settings on this page affect all locations in your business but there are more timesheet settings you can customise on a location-by-location basis.
Custom Terms
Deputy has default terms used for specific features in our software. However, users with an access level of System Administrator or Advisor can change some of these terms in Business settings to customise Deputy for their own organisations including:
Don't forget to click Apply Changes before you leave Business Settings.
The Leave tab in Business Settings allows you to configure or edit:
- Allow Team members to view their leave balance
- Allow Team members to amend or cancel approved leave requests
- Leave Rules: Click on the Leave Rules link to create or modify the leave entitlements that are available at your organisation to assign to your team members.
- Allow Team members to submit unavailability to allow or block employees from submitting unavailability
Don't forget to click Apply Changes before you leave Business Settings.
Pay (UK and US only)
Only regions who have access to Pay Rate Builder will have this tab in Business settings.
Upcoming feature
If you are testing a new feature for us you may find this tab in your business settings with the ability to enable or disable the new feature. There is also the ability to leave us feedback on the new feature.