Please read an Introduction to Deputy Reports for information on how System Administrators and Location Managers can access Deputy reports.
Note that Location Managers can only see information for the relevant team members at locations they manage in Deputy.
Click on Reports then scroll down to Team member details and View Full Report.
Team member timesheet locations
The Timesheet location report will pull up a map displaying all of your work locations on a map with pins displaying team member clock in locations over the specified time period.
To narrow down the information you need, you can filter by:
- Location
- Date range
- Team Member
The pins displayed may be four different colours and will correspond with the following:
- Red Pin - Physical location of store/office as set in Location settings
- Green Pin - Team members shift clock on location
- Black Pin - Team members shift clock out location
- Blue Pin - Team members break clock in and out locations
You can print the report if required by clicking on the printer icon.