Please read an Introduction to Deputy Reports for information on how System Administrators and Location Managers can access Deputy reports.
Note that Location Managers can only see information for the relevant team members at locations they manage in Deputy.
Click on Reports then scroll down to Schedule vs Timesheet vs Sales and View Full Report.
Schedule vs Timesheets vs Sales
This report gives you financial guidance on team member wage costs in comparison to sales.
You can filter the view by:
- Location or Area
- Date range
- Team member
You can export the report to CSV by:
- Area
- Team member
The Schedule vs Timesheets vs Sales report will allow you to compare for a selected time period:
- team members' scheduled hours vs
- actual worked hours vs
- sales
Some notes regarding the data reported:
- Any on-costs set for a Location will be included in the Timesheet Wages data.
- Approved leave from past dates will be included in Timesheet hour and Timesheet Wages data.
- Approved leave, as well as leave awaiting approval, for future dates, will be included in the Schedule Hours and Schedule Cost data.
- The Schedule Hours and Schedule Costs data reported as a result of Open or Empty shifts in the schedule will be displayed in their own individual row.
- For hourly workers scheduled on overnight shifts, the hourly cost allocation of their shift will be distributed according to the setting the System Administrator has selected in Business settings > Schedule. Costs can be allocated either the start date of the shift or split across the two dates the overnight shift accords on with costs distributed according to the hours worked on each date either side of midnight.
- Any Non-Scheduled Timesheets created by managers will only be included in the Timesheet Hour and Timesheet Wages if the team member is assigned to that particular location in their employee profile. In the example below, Abby has a non-scheduled timesheet for [COC] Cook however this location is not assigned to Abby in her profile, therefore her Timesheet hour and wages total will not be included in the report.
Salaried employees
An employee's salary costs will only appear in the report if they have been allocated on the employee profile. See how to allocate salary costs in: Set a team member as salaried in Deputy.
If a salaried employee's allocated costs are not reflected accurately in the STS Report:
- Go to the Schedule view for the relevant time period and Location where the employee's salary costs are allocated (or select All Locations)
- Open the Stats Panel in the Schedule view by clicking on the Insights drop-down menu and clicking on Show stats panel.
This will force the re-calculation of allocated salary costs. The correct salary costs should now show on the report.
You may also see inaccurate salary costs if you set your first day of the week to a different day other than Monday via the Location settings. This is because the start day for salary calculations is set to Monday by default in every Premium account, therefore the salary costs will always go from Monday - Sunday. For example. If your start day of the week is set to a Wednesday. The reports will show Wednesday - Tuesday and the Salary calculations will start from the following Monday - Sunday.
In order to see the correct Salary cost, you may change the date range from a Monday to a Sunday on the report.
Note: When setting a salary and salary allocation to an employee, salary costs will only appear on the present and future day. Salary costs will not backdate any past dates.
Discover more about using sales data and other metrics
You can also read more about using your sales data and other metrics in our Business Insights Dashboard or importing your sales data via a Sales Data Integration