If you have subscribed to Deputy via a third-party provider such as the Apple app store or Xero and your Deputy plan is being billed by that provider, you will find that you are unable to then subscribe to Deputy HR as an add-on subscription.
When you try to subscribe to Deputy HR through Deputy you will receive an error as shown below.
To resolve this error and successfully subscribe to Deputy HR, you will need to cancel your subscription with the third-party provider and subscribe to your Deputy plan directly with Deputy. You will not lose any data or access to Deputy while switching over the billing.
Please follow the below instructions according to which provider is currently billing you for Deputy:
- Managing Deputy plans billed through the Apple app store
- Managing Deputy plans billed through Xero marketplace
- For all other third-party providers, please submit a ticket with Deputy Support and let us know that you would like to subscribe with Deputy directly so you can access Deputy HR.