Stress Profiles are a way to control fatigue and overtime for your team members.
You can use Stress Profiles to control the following attributes of how and when a stress warning will trigger when scheduling with Deputy:
- Maximum number of hours per shift
- Maximum hours per week (Calculated based on the Week Start specified day)
- Maximum days per week
- Maximum hours per day (starting from midnight to midnight)
- Minimum hours between shifts (Only applicable for shifts finishing after 7pm and subsequent shift starting before 9am next morning)
- The gap between shifts (default 0 hours)
With these parameters selected, you will get a warning when you attempt to schedule your team member beyond the stress profile that has been assigned.
However, even if you set up your schedule to avoid stress, a timesheet can be altered from the original schedule so there may be instances where a new schedule may cause a team member to exceed their set stress profile hours.
Users with System Administrator and Advisor access can set up an optional Deputy extension to send a notification to managers to let them know a stress profile has been triggered. Deputy automatically checks every 15 - 20mins to see whether a stress profile has been triggered and sends the notification at that time.
You can configure the reminder to be sent for shifts at selected locations or all locations.
Read more about setting up a stress profile warning notification.