There are five access levels in Deputy. When you sign up to create an organisation in a free trial your own account access is a System administrator but all the other people you add to the account will need to be assigned an access level.
Here's a quick guide to what each of the levels can do in Deputy.
These are your base staff, typically those you want only to clock on and off with no other management of the system. If the employee only needs to work shifts and have no managerial access, grant them this access level.
Read more about what Employees can do.
These are generally your shift supervisors or team leaders. They can schedule within the location(s) that they’re assigned to, as well as approve the times (not pay) of a timesheet. They are never able to view costs, either for a schedule or for any team members, and can never edit another team member’s profile. If you have a team leader who runs a group but has no access to pay, give them this access level.
Read more about what Supervisors can do.
Location Manager
These are the staff you trust to run a location. They can view costs, approve pay, export timesheets and edit employee profiles. They are completely capable of running a location on their own. Give this access level to payroll officers or managers for a particular workplace.
Read more about what Location Managers can do.
An Advisor is someone that may support the set up and running of your organisation but doesn’t necessarily work in it. An Advisor is able to perform set up actions such as creating locations, adding people and setting up integrations or data extractions but they won’t be able to perform any operational functions such as clocking in and out, scheduling team members or approving timesheets. You can add up to 10 Advisors roles per account for free.
Read more about what Advisors can do.
System Administrator
A System Administrator can do absolutely everything there is to do within the system. They are generally the business owners or administrative heads of the business. Do not make anyone this access level unless you trust them access to everything in the account.
Read more about what System Administrators can do.