This article is written for users with Location Manager or System Administrator access in Deputy and Administrator access in MYOB Business and will cover:
1. Connecting MYOB Business and Deputy
2. Settings you need to configure in MYOB
4. Are you exporting default hourly pay rates OR pay rates from the pay rate library?
4a.Exporting to MYOB AR from Deputy accounts that use the default pay rate fields
4b. Exporting to MYOB AR from Deputy accounts that use the pay rate library
1. Connecting MYOB Business and Deputy
Read Connecting New Integrations for an introduction to connecting to third-party systems.
To connect MYOB Business to Deputy, click on Integrations from the System administrator or Location Manager's profile menu.
Select MYOB Business, or type it in the search field if you don't see it.
Click Connect new location.
Click Connect to select the location in Deputy you wish to connect to MYOB Business.
For the first time you connect only, you will need to verify your MYOB login credentials by entering the email and password you use to access your MYOB account.
On the next screen, you need to authorise Deputy to access your MYOB account. The name of your company in MYOB should be displayed after logging into the account in the previous step.
In the second field for MYOB File Username enter "Administrator" as displayed below.
Leave the MYOB File password field blank (ie. enter no characters) and click Submit.
2. Settings you need to configure in MYOB
Before you can export Deputy to MYOB Business you need to let MYOB know you want to use timesheets to track employee hours.
In MYOB, click on the menu under your name and select Payroll Settings from the list.
3. Employee set up in MYOB
Check identifiers match
Deputy uses the following four identifiers to match up your team members in Deputy and MYOB:
- Payroll ID (in Deputy) to employee number (in MYOB)
- First Name
- Last Name (in Deputy) Family or Surname (in MYOB)
- Email address
In MYOB, select Payroll from the navigation bar, click on Employees, select your employee from the list and click on the Contact details tab. You will need to check these fields are identical in Deputy as well.
Note: If your employee uses their middle name, please place that name in the same text box in both Deputy and MYOB.
Set your employee to hourly
Next, while still in your employee details, click on the Payroll Details tab and select Salary and Wages. Ensure that the Pay basis says Hourly. Click Save.
Note: Deputy only exports timesheet details for hourly workers. There is the option to add salary costs into Deputy for salaried workers but this is just for business planning and reporting purposes and the salary cost will not be exported from Deputy to MYOB via timesheets.
Remove standard pay
Next, while still in your employee details Payroll Details tab and select Standard pay and delete the Base Hourly show that it shows 0.00 and click Save.
Note: If you do not remove the value in Hours in a pay cycle then when the hours from the Deputy timesheets are exported into MYOB, it will incorrectly add the exported hours on top of these standard hours.
4. Are you exporting default hourly pay rates OR pay rates from the pay rate library?
For the next step, you will need to determine if your team members' pay rates are entered into Deputy using the:
Default hourly pay rate fields OR our preconfigured pay rate library:
If you are exporting timesheets that rely on rates entered in our default hourly pay rate fields follow section 4a.
If you are exporting timesheets that rely on rates entered from our pre-configured pay rate library skip to section 4b.
4a. Exporting to MYOB from Deputy accounts that use the default pay rate fields
When exporting to MYOB, you can use the integration with Deputy to sort your employees' worked hours into these four categories:
- Base hourly rates
- Saturday rates
- Sunday rates
- Public Holiday rates.
If you do not have one or any of these pay items set up in MYOB, you will need to add it before your export for the first time.
Set up Pay items in MYOB
Click Payroll and select Pay items from the menu. On the Wages and salary tab click on Create wage pay item.
Type in the name of your new Pay item and select the Hourly option for the pay basis. Complete the other wage information according to your organisation's policies and assign the pay item to the relevant employees then click Save.
Note: To match these pay items automatically when exporting from Deputy to MYOB, you'll need to name the wage categories in MYOB as follows:
- Saturday rates should have Sat or Saturday in the name.
- Sunday rates should use Sun or Sunday in the name.
- If the rate applies on a public holiday, it should have PH in the name.
The name doesn't need to be anything in particular, as long as it uses the condition in the name. As an example "Saturday Pay Rate", "Sat Pay", and "Hours on a Saturday" are all equally valid and will work.
Exporting from Deputy to MYOB
Once you have ensured:
- You have connected Deputy to MYOB Business
- You have configured MYOB Myob Business
- You have set up your employees in MYOB Business
- You have the relevant pay items set up MYOB Business
- The hourly weekday (base rate), Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday pay rates have been entered into Deputy for each employee.
- Timesheets for the employees have been approved in Deputy for the required date range.
Now you are ready to export to MYOB.
From the Timesheets menu in Deputy, click Export Timesheets.
First select your location in the top left corner, as well as the desired date range for your export.
Select the employees' timesheets you'd like to export, either individually or Select All, if appropriate. Remember to only export hourly worker timesheets. Salaried workers' timesheets in Deputy are not exported to MYOB.
Click Export Selected Items.
You can see on the next screen which payroll application you are connected to and the company name within MYOB. Click Export.
Note: the check box that states "Replace MYOB's base hourly rate with Deputy's base hourly rate". Ticking this will update the hourly rate of the employee on their card file in MYOB. It will not change the rates of the pay items within MYOB AR.
Once you have exported, you will see a success message pop up. If not, see Troubleshooting.
After exporting from Deputy, please go to the MYOB Payroll menu and click on Timesheets. Select the name of the employee whose timesheet you wish to view.
4b. Exporting to MYOB from Deputy accounts that use the Pay Rate Library
Deputy comes preconfigured with a range of pay rate libraries installed. In Australia, these are called Awards. If you have selected a pre-configured pay rate library to apply to your hourly workers in Deputy then please follow these instructions to export to MYOB.
You do NOT need to set up the Deputy pay rate library conditions in MYOB before you export as Deputy pushes our Pay Rate Library rates to MYOB at the time of exporting. Any pay rules attached to an employee in Deputy will be pushed to the employee within MYOB.
The Pay item in MYOB will be automatically populated with the rules exported from Deputy after you export the timesheets containing those pay rates.
You can see in the below example that the HIGA award pay items were added automatically into MYOB after a timesheet containing these pay items was exported from Deputy.
As per the pay rates assigned to an employee in Deputy:
In the example below, you can see that the specific wage rules have also been automatically assigned to the particular employee with MYOB after being pushed across with the timesheet export from Deputy.
Exporting Timesheets with Pay Rate Library Rates
When exporting pay rates library rates you will see that some of the pay rates have very long names. MYOB has a limitation in that it can only accept wage category names that are shorter than 31 characters. You can read more about how to handle this limitation in our troubleshooting section.
Therefore, we need to amend the name of the export code in the timesheet to ensure it is not longer than 31 characters.
To prevent any duplicates within MYOB, you could also edit the export code to match any existing pay items within MYOB if they are already configured there.
To edit these export codes in Deputy, select Group by Pay Rate in Exporting Timesheets.
Then edit the relevant field in the Export Code category.
Remember to click Save if you have made any changes.
Now click Export Selected Items
In the next window, you can see which payroll application you are exporting to and the name of your company file within MYOB AR that you are already connected to.
Click Export.
Note: Ticking the check box that states "Replace MYOB's base hourly rate with Deputy's base hourly rate" will update the hourly rate of the employee on their card file in MYOB. It will not change the rates of the payroll categories within MYOB AR.
You can read more about why we recommend ticking this check box when you export.
Troubleshooting and Limitations
I am connected to my MYOB account in Deputy but the timesheet export fails - why is this?
Check that the check box in MYOB indicates you will be using timesheets.
Please review setting up your MYOB as a step may have been missed
Can I use Deputy timesheets to record my salaried workers hours and export them to MYOB?
No, the integration only allows exporting of hourly workers timesheets from Deputy to MYOB.
Why does Deputy give an error during export that my employee does not exist?
Ensure that the employee first and last name in Deputy and MYOB match exactly. Any middle names need to be in the same field on both applications.
Ensure the Payroll ID in Deputy matches with the MYOB Employee number for this team member.
Tell me more about the 31 character limitation on wage category names in MYOB.
In MYOB, the Export Code is limited to only 31 characters.
Many pay rate library names are much longer than 31 characters so need to be manually edited to less than 31 characters to work with MYOB exports.
You are able to edit the export code in the Deputy timesheet yourself before you export it. However, if you are setting up many awards or many items within an award to export and having problems with the 31 character limitation we suggest you call our 24/7 support for assistance so we can help you ensure that all the items you are exporting are edited to the correct length. Just one export code that is too long will cause an export error.
Since the shortened export codes will ultimately be pushed to your MYOB account you should consider what you want the codes to be amended to that will be meaningful to you in your MYOB account.
Deputy will push all valid pay rate library pay rates/award items through to MYOB on the first push (first export). This push includes the creation of pay rules and the assignment of multiplier values
On subsequent exports/pushes, Deputy will look for matches in export codes and pay rules. If Deputy does not find a match it will create the pay rule again in MYOB. Therefore, you should be careful to ensure that export codes for the same pay rate remain constant if you wish to avoid unnecessary duplication in MYOB.
You only need to shorten an export code once, Deputy will remember it for the next time you export that code. However, if you change an award pay rate in Deputy (eg. the employee gets a pay rise), even if it's for an existing assigned pay rate library/award then the integration will treat it as a new pay rate and reset the export code to push across to MYOB so you will need to manually change it to the assigned export code shorter than 31 characters.
Why should I tick the box during export to allow Deputy to replace MYOB's base hourly rate?
Deputy always creates award items in MYOB as multipliers of the employees base rate. To ensure the correct pay is getting sent through the "Replace MYOB's base hourly rate with Deputy's base hourly rate" should always be ticked.
For example - GRIA M-F Ordinary will be a 1x multiplier of the employee's Base Hourly Rate
What happens if I don't set my hourly workers' standard hours to zero before exporting timesheets from Deputy?
If there is a numerical value left in there, then when the timesheets are exported into MYOB the hours in the timesheets will be added on top of the standard hours.