- Getting started
- Match Payroll ID in Deputy and MYOB Exo
- Pay Rate Multipliers and Export Codes
- Export to MYOB Exo
- Import into MYOB Exo
Getting started
This article describes the process to export your employee's timesheets from Deputy as a CSV file that can be imported into MYOB Exo.
In Deputy please ensure that you have:
- pay rates set up for each employee that is being exported
- timesheets ready to be exported
In MYOB Exo please ensure you have:
- access to an MYOB EXO account
- enabled the Import Time Transactions option. This can be found in the 'Other Setup' section of MYOB EXO's Setup Payroll window.
Employee ID Codes
You will need to match up the employee ID codes between the two systems to ensure that MYOB EXO maps the correct employee to the correct pay rate. To check this, navigate to an employee's Deputy profile and take note of the employee's Payroll ID code.

In MYOB Exo, navigate to the Employee List and ensure that each employee code matches up to their Payroll ID within Deputy.

Pay Rate Multipliers and Export Codes
The export from Deputy supports an unlimited number of pay rate multipliers and 5 different types of Wage values. To edit these values:
1. On the Export Timesheets page, and after selecting your team members from the list on the left, click Group By Pay Rate then click Edit on the pay rate you would like to specify.

You will need to use any of the codes used below, which allows Deputy to save the pay rate/type in a way that MYOB EXO can read and successfully import it.
Ordinary and Leave Type Codes
H: Wage hours. If a value is specified in the RATE field, this will be used as the hourly rate
A: For any field submitted as an 'allowance'
S: Specifies if the timesheet is a Sick Leave timesheet
O: Specifies if the timesheet is an Annual Leave timesheet
N: Specifies if the timesheet is a Long Service Leave timesheet
Pay Rate Multipliers
1: Ordinary rate. This multiplier for this code is 1.000 (or a standard hourly wage)
2: Time and a half. This multiplier is set at 1.500
3: Double Time. Set for 2.000
4: Public Holiday. The multiplier for this code is 1.000
5: Public Holiday worked. This multiplier is set at 2.000
To add a new multiplier, click on any of the undefined multipliers and click 'Edit'. To add additional multipliers, simply click 'Add'.
Exporting to MYOB EXO
1. On the Export Timesheets page, select the date range and employee timesheets you wish to export and click Export Selected Items.

2. Select MYOB EXO Payroll from the list of payroll systems, then click Export.

Deputy will now take some time to generate the MYOB EXO export file.

4. A file will be downloaded named TIMETRAN.csv. You will need to locate this file on your computer and copy it to your MYOB EXO payroll folder. The default location for this folder is C:payroll.
IMPORTANT: Do not rename the file, as it will not be imported into MYOB EXO under any other name.
Importing into MYOB EXO
1. After saving the TIMETRAN.csv file in the correct folder, open up MYOB EXO.
2. To ensure that the hours imported are correct, navigate to the Pay Details section of MYOB EXO and click Reset All. This will reset all hours and values to zero. This is a simple way to ensure that the data is clear and to check if the import was successful/correct.

3. Select Pay from the top and select Import Time Transactions.

4. After the file has been imported, return to the Pay Details section and the values will have been updated based on the exported Deputy data. You are now ready to perform your pay run.