What is journaling?
Journaling allows supervisors and managers to record notes or comments about team members.
These notes can be related to a team member's shift or entered directly into their profile in Deputy.
Some examples may be documenting an event during a shift, or recording above or below standard performance.
Journal permissions
To create and/or view a journal about a team member, you'll need to be a user with an access level of either a Supervisor, Location Manager, or System Administrator.
A user with Employee level access can not read or create journal comments.
Journal permissions work via a hierarchy:
- a System Administrator can journal anyone
- a Location Manager can journal other Location Managers, Supervisors and Employees
- a Supervisor may journal other Supervisors and their Employees.
No one can ever see a journal written about them, even a System Administrator.
CANNOT journal anyone and view the journals about themselves.
CAN journal their Employees under the same location
CANNOT view journals about their co-Supervisors, in ANY locations.
CANNOT view journals about themselves.
Location Managers:
CAN journal their co-Location Managers, Supervisors and Employees, under the same location.
CAN view journals about their co-Location Managers, and journals about users with lower access, under the same location.
CANNOT view journals about themselves.
System Administrators:
CAN journal anyone.
CAN view journals about any other users.
CANNOT view journals about themselves.
Creating a journal entry
There are three ways managers can journal a note about team members:
Timesheet journals
1. Log in to the Deputy website and click on Timesheets and then Approve Time Sheets.
2. Select the team member from the list to the right, then select the timesheet you wish to journal on. You can find the journal section beneath the team member's worked hours.
Add your comments and select whether the comment is positive, negative or neutral.
Journaling on a Team member's profile
1. On the People page select the team member's name you wish to comment on and select Journals from the menu on the left.
2. Click on Add new.
3. Add your comment and whether it's positive or negative. You can leave it empty if neutral then click Save journal.
Journaling on the Deputy mobile app
1. On the People tab, select the name of the team member you wish to add a note to and tap on Journals.
2. Tap on the + sign to add a journal and type your comment in the Journal field. Tap on the Hashtag field to select whether the comment is negative or positive then tap Save.
Viewing journal entries
You can view all journal entries linked to a particular team member in two ways:
Viewing journal entries on a Team member profile
On the People page select the team member's name you wish to view journals for and select Journals from the menu on the left.
You can view:
- the date the comment was made
- the comment
- whether it was positive neutral or negative
Viewing journal entries by creating a journal report
You may also review journals by creating a Journal Usage Report. System Administrators can access, filter and print a report on all journal comments made across the organisation within a specified date range.
For more information on the journal usage report please read Reporting.
Delete or edit a journal entry
If you need to edit or delete a journal entry for about a team member, you can do so (if you have permission to view it) by logging into the Deputy website and then:
1. On the People page, click on the name of the Team member you wish to view, edit or delete a journal entry for.
2. Select Journal from the menu on the left-hand side and click Edit on the journal entry you wish to edit or delete.
3. If you wish to amend the existing journal details you can update the journal entry and click Save Journal. Note that if you amend a journal entry originally written by another manager then the new journal entry will now appear under your name.
4. If you wish to delete a journal entry click Delete journal.