By default, all Deputy accounts begin with 4 basic roles. They have specific permissions that will be outlined in each chapter. With Deputy Enterprise, you can adjust the permissions for these roles, and make new roles with customized permissions and access.
4 default roles:
Location Manager
System Administrator
Permissions for default Roles

Global Applications are:
Time Sheets
Mobile Bump
Kiosk Bump Without Photo
1. Time Sheets
Allows anyone with this role to manage their own time sheets, allowing them to do the following:
Submit their own un-scheduled time sheet
Change start/end times of shifts, and Area worked.
This lets anyone with this role clock-in and clock-out of a location and area without having been scheduled. They will also have the permission to edit their own timesheet after clocking-out. These two permissions are tied together and cannot be separated at this level. For more information about how Timesheets work - Introduction to Timesheets
2. Mobile Bump
Allows anyone with this role to clock in and out for shifts in the Deputy App on a personal mobile phone. While Deputy offers apps for dedicated clockin clock out solutions, Mobile Bump is a great alternative to these solutions, and can free up space in the workplace by eliminating a physical punch clock. It also allows for accountability when working remotely.
Note: Mobile Bump can always be disabled for individual Locations by doing the following:
Go to the Locations tab
Click Edit
Click the Timesheets tab on the left
Turn off "Allow employees to clock in via Mobile device"
This would mean that no one could clock in at this Location using the Deputy app on their device, even if Mobile Bump is turned on for their Role.

The Geolocation of the device is documented on the timesheet start times, breaks, and end times.
Note: If your organization assigns an address to an Area then the address of the Area applies, instead of the Location. More information on Location Capture.
3. Kiosk Bump Without Photo
Allows people with this role to clock in and out without requiring a photo.
How it Works
The Kiosk app for iPad/iPod Touch, and the Time Clock app for Android tablet offer a dedicated Clock-In / Clock-Out terminal for your organization. When an employee clocks in to start their shift, the app will use the device’s built-in camera to take a photo of the employee, and will match that photo against their Deputy profile photo. When it sees a match, it updates the Timesheet with the new photo and the shift start-time. Kiosk Bump Without Photo overrides this requirement.

Note: "Require a Photo" can also be turned off in the Locations tab, allowing for location-level customization of this feature. For more on disabling photo verification for a Location.
4. Journal
Journals allow you evaluate and add notes about an employee's shift, when approving their Time Sheet. Granting Journal access allows anyone with this role to view and post comments on the Journal for employees they manage. The employees that this Role can manage are determined by 2 factors:
Permissions assigned in the Global Visibility section
The Role's position within the Role hierarchy (shown below)

5. Announcements
The News Feed allows you to communicate with your employees. With this permission, you can send a post directly to an employee (or group of employees), upload photos and PDFs and request confirmation that their post was read. For example, if you need to track which employees have reviewed documents with important policies and procedures. You can also view the full log of past announcements, meaning you'll be able to see who made a particular post and when.
News feed posts can be restricted to higher level Roles (general managers, etc), but it’s worth noting that anyone can always leave comments on existing news feed posts.