Can I send a message to all employees currently on shift?
You can send a post to all employees that work at a particular location.
There is also a feature within Deputy to send a message to all employees currently on shift at a particular location.
Can we set groups for employees?
Currently, this feature is not yet available in the News Feed. However, you can still send a news feed post to multiple recipients or locations.
Can I send a reminder to staff who have not confirmed they have reviewed my post?
Currently, within Deputy, there is no method to send reminders to staff who have not yet viewed important posts.
Once a message has been sent, can I share it with more people later?
Yes, if you are logged into Deputy on the website you can share a message you have previously sent to other users.
- The option to share a sent message is unavailable when accessing the News Feed via the Deputy mobile app.
- You can only share your own messages, you can not share a message sent by someone else to you.
There are two ways you can share a previously sent message:
1. In your News Feed, find the message you previously sent and click on the link to the recipients. Select who you would like to share this message with and click on the tick. The message will now be shared with the new recipients you selected.
2. In your News Feed, if the message you previously sent required confirmation then you can click on the link displaying how many have confirmed the message. Select who you would like to share this message with and click on the tick. The message will now be shared with the new recipients you selected.
For more information read News Feed and Posts