Tell us what you'd like to see in the onboarding feature - submit your feedback and ideas here.
- General onboarding questions
- Onboarding status and review
- Requesting and sending documents
- Additional questions
General onboarding FAQs
Can I complete or submit an onboarding form on behalf of my new hire?
No, you can not fill in their onboarding details through their profile. Employees will need to fill in the onboarding forms themselves.
Can I change my new hire's email address after I sent the onboarding invitation?
If you've sent an onboarding invite to a new hire and then find the email address was incorrect due to a typo or the new hire informs you they want to use a different email address to receive the onboarding invite, you can correct the email address and resend the invitation.
Please update the email address in the employee profile at People > Personal > Edit.
Enter the new email address and click Save.
Now, while still in the employee profile, click on Onboarding form. You will see the new email address has been applied on this page now.
Click Resend link and then Resend to send the onboarding invitation to the new hire's new email address.
Can I change the manager's email address to receive the completed onboarding forms?
The manager who initiates the onboarding of the new hire is the one who will receive the email notifying them that the onboarding form has been submitted.
There is currently no opportunity during the onboarding process to add or change this email address or contact details to another manager in your business.
Please ensure the manager you wish to receive the completed onboarding form is the same manager that sends the onboarding form to the new hire.
Onboarding status and review
I haven’t used the onboarding feature recently, why do I see the new onboarding status?
You will see the onboarding status if you sent an onboarding invitation in the past but your team member never completed it or you never approved It. The onboarding status will appear until they complete and submit the onboarding and/or you have approved it.
I can see “Onboarding in progress” what does this mean? How do I get them to complete their onboarding?
Onboarding in progress means the team member has not submitted their onboarding forms. To remind them, you can resend the onboarding link. Go to their profile, Onboarding form tab then click on Resend link, add a comment to ask them to complete onboarding then click Resend and they will receive another email and text message.
Can I schedule team members before they have completed their onboarding forms?
Yes, team members will appear in Deputy as soon as you have sent the onboarding request.
However, team members will not be recommended by Deputy to work shifts until they have submitted their onboarding forms. Managers will receive a warning during scheduling if they select a team member for a shift who has not completed their onboarding forms yet but are able to override this warning if required.
I can see “Approve onboarding” what does this mean? How do I approve their onboarding?
Awaiting onboarding approval means you need to sync and approve the submitted onboarding forms. Go to their profile, Onboarding form tab then click Sync and approve or Sync details.
[Australia customers only] If you do not want to sync outdated tax and Super details into Xero, you can uncheck the Xero option to approve but not sync to Xero.
How do I know which team members have completed their onboarding?
Managers will receive an email to notify then but also you will see a status underneath their name on the People page.
You can set a filter to show those who have completed their onboarding.
Requesting and sending documents
Can I request or add more forms to be signed?
The answer to this question depends on what status the onboarding form is at:
Onboarding not submitted yet by the new hire
If the onboarding invitation has been sent to the new hire but not yet submitted back to you then you can go into Onboarding form on the new hire's profile and click Resend Link. You can add from the list of templates already set up for Onboarding.
Note: If you find you need to resend onboarding forms to a new hire where a template has been edited in the meantime then you should Remove the old template and re-add the newly edited template to ensure the most up-to-date version of that template is sent.
Note: You can remove a request for a document you need to be uploaded but not add new ones.
Onboarding form has already been submitted by the new hire
No, currently once team members have submitted their onboarding, you can not request or add more documents against their profile. You can request for them to re-upload the same document you've requested in the case where the document/image is not correct or not clear.
You can, however, reset the onboarding status to begin again.
My new hire has uploaded the wrong document, how do I get them to upload the correct one?
If they have submitted and completed the onboarding, you can send a Request Changes via the Onboarding form tab in their profile. In the message field, you can let them know what needs to be updated.
If they have not submitted their onboarding, they can open the onboarding form and delete the uploaded file and reupload a new file.
Is there a limit on how many documents I can send per onboarding?
You can send up to 20 documents for each onboarding invitation.
Can I see a preview of what document templates have been set up and what they contain before sending them to a new hire?
Yes. To preview the templates already set up in your account click on Settings.
2. Click on the name of the template you wish to preview. 3. Review the template. Note: no changes or information you enter here will be saved. Read more about previews here.
Additional questions
Can I add my own questions as part of the onboarding form?
Yes, you can create additional questions. Three different question types are available; short answer, Yes/No and multiple choice.
How many additional questions can I create?
You can create up to 20 additional questions. If you need more, please submit feedback or any feature enhancements so we can improve the product.
Can I resend an onboarding invite/link to include the newly added questions?
No, only new onboarding invitations will have custom questions. Previously onboarded employees will not be able to see the additional questions.
Each time you add or edit a question, it will only be effective for future onboard.
Can I sync onboarded team member details to MYOB?
Currently, you are unable to sync the details of onboarded employees from Deputy to MYOB. If this is a feature you'd like to see please let us know.
Can I still access documents I've collected as part of onboarding after I archive a team member in my Deputy account?
Yes, we still store all the documents you collect as part of onboarding even after you archive a team member and managers have access to download them while the team member is still archived.
The documents will only be deleted if you decide to delete a team member.
Do the text messages / SMS that are sent as part of the onboarding process generate additional SMS fees?
Why can I see the onboarding form for some team members but not others in my account?
- If you used Deputy New Hire onboarding on a pay-per-use model in the period before you subscribed to Deputy HR, you will retain the permission to access the onboarding forms for the team members onboarded during this pay-per-use period.