If you require assistance from our Support team you may be requested to allow our team access to your Deputy account.
Note that while anyone can enable temporary support access (Steps 1 and 2 below), only System Administrators have the ability to enable this functionality to be accessible within their organisation's account (Step 3 and 4 below).
Toggle on Support access
1. Log into the Deputy website can click on the ? icon at the bottom right of any screen in Deputy and select Allow support access.
2. Toggle on Enable Support Access, select when you'd like it to turn off, then click Save.
Note: it is recommended to enable support access indefinitely when reaching out for help. This way, our team can take the time necessary to provide support without having to ask you to enable it again. When you're done receiving support, you can disable support access again using this toggle accordingly.
Enable Support access (System Administrators only)
3. If the Support Access button does not appear as described above, your System Administrator may need to first enable this setting in Business settings.
4. Toggle ON the Enable support access for the account and click Apply Changes.