Yes, if your organisation has enabled this setting, you can clock in and out via SMS.
The Deputy mobile apps allow you to clock in and out for shifts but if you don't have a smartphone you can also clock in and out via SMS on a regular mobile phone.
How Do I Use SMS Clock On/Off?
To start your shift with SMS:
1. Reply to the message sent to you with your shifts for the week. If the shift was scheduled, send "start shift".
If it's an unscheduled shift, send "start shift name_of_department".
2. To take a break, send "break shift". You can do this to start and end a break. You can do this as many times as you need to when on shift.
Below, you can see the break was started and ended with "break shift". If you forget to take your break, you can add it when you end your shift (see below).

3. To end your shift, send "stop shift". If you forgot to add your break, send "stop shift X". X is the number of minutes of break you took. "Stop shift 5" means you're stopping your shift and took a 5 minute break.