By default, all Deputy accounts begin with 4 basic roles. They have specific permissions that will be outlined in each chapter. With Deputy Enterprise, you can adjust the permissions for these roles, and make new roles with customized permissions and access.
4 default roles:
- Employee
- Supervisor
- Location Manager
- System Administrator
Staged Permission
The System Configuration permissions are split into two stages:
- Access - View details in your organization's portfolio
- Add, Edit, Delete - Create, make changes to, or even delete details in your organization's portfolio
You will always need to grant a role Access, in order to allow that role to add, edit, or delete. System Configuration is typically restricted to System Administrators.
Permissions for default Roles

System Configuration
General Settings
Setup Kiosks
Public Holidays
Comment Categories
1. General Settings
This permission is blue because it's very important. It allows users with this role to manage system settings.
System settings include:
Application settings
Locale settings
Note: Only an Administrator user can change settings for the whole system. Others will only be able to change settings for workplaces they manage.
2. Developer
This permission is blue because it's very important. Allow users with this role to create Web Applications and custom DeXML Scripts.
More on Deputy API
3. Setup Kiosks
This permission is blue because it's very important. Allow anyone with this role to set up and disable Deputy kiosks for any Location in your organization.
More on setting up Kiosk

4. Public Holidays
Allows this role to determine the public holidays recognized by your organization.
- view
- create
- manage
- delete
These holidays will appear in the schedule.

More on creating Public Holidays
5. Comment Categories
Allows this role to add, edit, and delete the comment categories that are used within the Notice Board and Employee Journal when approving timesheets.

All Articles in this Series