- Getting started
- Creating Training Modules
- Applying Training Modules to a single employee profile to create/update a Training Record
- Bulk applying Training Modules to multiple employee profiles to create/update multiple Training Records
- Filtering team members to view training
- Editing or deleting Training Modules
- Editing Training Records
- Notifications for Training Expiry
Getting started
To manage Training Modules and Training Records, you'll need to be either a Location Manager or a System Administrator.
What are Training Modules?
Training Modules are what Deputy calls the specific types of training your organisation requires for a team member to perform their job such as:
- qualifications,
- certificates or
- particular skills
What are Training Records?
When a Training Module is applied to a team member's profile it then becomes a Training Record, you can use this when scheduling to ensure that only qualified team members are scheduled to work.
How does Training help with Scheduling?
Adding training requirements to a specific area in Deputy will allow you to control which employees are recommended to work in that area. If an area has a training module requirement set and the team member doesn't have that training record applied to their profile, then the team member can't be recommended to work there. If the area has more than one training module requirement, the team member needs all of them to be recommended.
Creating Training Modules
Creating Training Modules in the Locations tab
1. On the Locations tab click Edit Settings next to the location you would like to edit.
2. Select Areas from the list on the left-hand side and click Edit on the area you would like to create or add existing training modules to.
3. Click on the Training requirements field and type the name of the training module you'd like to create. Press Enter/Return to create the new Training Module and assign it to an Area in the same step.
Don't forget to click Save when you done.
Watch a demonstration of a new training module being created in the "Kitchen" area below:
Creating and applying Training Modules in the Employee Profile
1. On the People tab, click on a team member's name to open the relevant employee's profile. Select Employment on the left-hand side and then click Add training or Edit.
2. Under Training click Add training.
- Valid from date
- Expiry date
- Comment
- Attachment
Don't forget to click Save when you are done.
Creating Training Modules in the Schedule
You can also create and apply training modules to an area directly in the Schedule tab.
1. Hover your mouse over an area name in the Schedule and click on the three dots icon that appears next to the area name.
Creating Training Modules on the Enterprise tab
In Deputy's Enterprise platform, you can also add training from the Enterprise tab.
1. Click Training Modules. Here you will find all previously created Training Modules in your Deputy account.
2. Select New Training Module.
3. On the Main tab, complete the 4 mandatory fields:
- Title (the name of the training module)
- Provider (of the training)
- Time Required (days) - ie. time required to complete the training
- Comment
Note: The information entered into the Provider, Time Required and Comment fields is not displayed for Training Modules in the employee profile but you will need to enter some text in the field to be able to save the new Training module.
4. You also have the option to select Department from the list on the left. In this tab, you will be able to select the Locations and Areas the Training Module will be applied to. The following behaviour will apply:
- If you tick a Location name then all the areas in that location will automatically be selected and the Training Module will be a requirement for all shifts scheduled in all areas. See Beesland Hotel and Cowligan Hotel in the below example.
- If you select no Locations or Areas at all from this list then the Training Module will not be applied to any Location or Area. See Hensworth Hotel in the below example.
- If you need to apply the Training Module to only a select number of Areas then you will need to expand the Location and tick only the Areas you want the Training Module applied to.
Don't forget to click Save This Training Module when you are done.
How to apply Training Modules to create Training Records
Once you've created your Training Modules and added them to the relevant Areas, you'll need to apply them to your trained employees.
Applying Training Modules to a single team member to create Training Records
1. On the People tab, click on the name of the team member you would like to apply a training record to.
2. On the Employment tab in the employee's profile, click on Add training or Edit.
3. Click Add training.
4. Select the Training Module you would like to apply to the team member (or create a new Training Module if required)
5. You have the option to add more information about the training record by clicking on the Training Module name.
6. You can add the following optional details:
- Valid from date
- Expiry date
- Comment
- add attachment (accepted files are JPG, JPEG, PNG, CSV, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PDF with a maximum file size of 20MB)
7. Don't forget to click Save when you are done.
Bulk apply Training Modules to create Training Records for multiple team members.
1. On the People tab, select the check box of the team member you wish to apply the training record to.
Note: You can click on the check box at the top of the list to apply to all displayed or just select the people you need. You may find it easier to filter the list to the team members you need first before you select the team members.
2. Click on Bulk actions and select Add training.
Note that performing bulk action of adding training using this method will just apply the training record to your team member. It will not add any further information about training expiry or other details. If you would like to bulk update training record details for multiple employees please read Bulk import or bulk update training modules and training records.
Filter your team members to view training
You can easily use the filters on the People tab to view your team members' training or even team members with training expiring or expired.
1. On the People tab, first make sure the training information is displayed in the People list by clicking on Display then Training.
2. Now click on the Filters menu and under the drop-down Training menu select the specific training record(s) you wish to filter for.
Note: You can select All if you want to filter on, say, all expired training records.
3. Under the training expiry drop-down menu for Training Expiry, select the expiry you wish to filter your previously selected training records for.
In the example above, the manager has filtered for AED training' that expires in the next 30 days. As a result, only the team members who have AED training expiring in the next 30 days are shown on the People tab:
Editing or Deleting Training Modules
You can edit or delete previously created training modules.
1. On the Enterprise tab, click on Training Modules. Here you will find all previously created Training Modules in your Deputy account.
2. Click on the pencil and the paper icon next to the training module you wish to edit.
3. Make the changes you require and click Save This Training Module when you are done.
You can also delete Training modules by clicking on the red cross icon only if the module is not assigned to any team members as a training record as shown below. If the training module has been assigned to team members a number greater than zero will appear in the Trainings column and the red cross will not appear and you can not delete it.
Editing Training Records
In addition to applying training modules to employees, there is also the functionality to include other training relevant training information such as:
- attaching files
- text comments (200 character limit)
- training expiry dates
To edit a training module, navigate to the People page, then click the name of the employee whose training you would like to edit.
Select Employment from the left-hand menu and you can see the training modules already noted for this employee. Click Edit to make changes.
You can see which training records are due to expire (if a training expiry date was set) and there is also an icon to indicate any comments or files added to the training record.
Click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the training module you would like to expand.
You can now edit the expiry date, add comments (up to 200 characters), or upload a relevant file within this record.
Remember to click Save when you're finished.
If you would like to bulk update training record details for multiple employees please read Bulk import or bulk update training modules and training records.
Notifications for upcoming training expiry
Deputy extensions allow you to add extra functionality to your Deputy account. These are based on event triggers.
You can set up a Deputy extension which will send you a notification when a training record is about to expire. Read more about setting up extensions.
Extension - Expiring Training > Send Notification
In case of re-training, Deputy will allow you to set training expiry dates. This extension will ensure that you are informed well before this set date, in the instance of having to schedule training dates for employees.
You can choose to send a notification to the employee, to the manager who created the training record, or to both.
You can also select the specific training record to create a notification for.
Finally, you can select when the notification will be sent out, from 7, 14, 30, 60 or 90 days before the expiry date.