This feature is only for businesses located in Australia.
Before you can sync with Xero
First, you will need to check you have:
- connected your Deputy account to your Xero account.
- set up new hire onboarding
- onboarded your required new hires
Note: It is important that Xero is connected to the team member's designated primary location if you want to sync the onboarding information to Xero. Generally, the employee's main or primary location is selected when you first send the onboarding form request to them.
Which onboarding details are updated in Xero?
Deputy sends the onboarding details to the following categories within the employee profile in Xero:
Personal Details
- First name
- Last name
- Title
- Mobile
- Date of birth
- Street address
- City
- Postal code
- Country
- Emergency contact details - not available due to a limitation from Xero
Bank account details
- Account name
- Account number
Superfund details
- Fund name
- Type (defaults to regulated)
- Superfund ID
- Employee/membership number (if your employee has selected Superfund nominated by Employer, it won't sync and you will need to manually enter their member details into Xero)
Tax declaration details
- Tax file number (TFN)
- TFN pending or exemption status
- TFN exemption type
- Employment basis
- Residency status
- Tax-free threshold claimed
- HELP debt
- SFSS / financial supplement debt
- Eligible to receive leave loading (set to disabled)
Steps to Sync onboarding details to Xero
1. Review the submitted Onboarding form
Once you have been notified via email that your new hire has completed their onboarding, or you can see that they have the status of Approve onboarding under their name in the People tab, open the team member's profile.
2. Approve and sync
In your onboarded new hire's profile, go to the Onboarding form on the left-hand side.
Review the information the new hire has provided. If you think there is something not right you can Request changes otherwise if you are happy with the information provided and wish to sync to Xero then click on Sync and Approve on the top right. Don't have a sync and approve button?
Make sure the tick box is checked and click Sync and Approve.
How can I tell it was successfully synced to Xero and when?
Click on Sync Details.
You can see the date and timestamp of the last time the information synced with Xero.
What if the team member sends through an updated onboarding form and I need to sync again?
If you have clicked on Request changes and sent the team member a request to update their information, you can the information to Xeo again.
Just click on Sync Details then Sync and approve to sync the latest information to Xero.
My team member selected 'Superfund nominated by Employer', how do I allocate their member number?
Once you have created a Super fund account on their behalf, you have two options:
If you would like to keep the member number stored in the onboarding form, you can send a Request changes (in Forms and documents) and include a comment for your team member to
1. update the selection to 'My own choice of superannuation fund'
2. search for the nominated Super fund
3. enter the newly obtained member number
For Xero customers, you can either do the suggestion above and use the Sync to Xero option OR enter the Super fund details manually in Xero.
Why can't I sync to Xero?
If the Sync and Approve button is missing from your team member's profile (and their onboarding form is ready for approval) it means you aren't connected to Xero in this team member's main location location.
Even if you have some locations in your Deputy account connected to Xero, only locations that are connected and are designated as the employee's main location will allow you to sync the onboarding information.
Therefore check that both of these are true:
1. The location is connected to Xero. Location managers and System Administrators can check Integrations in the menu under their name when logged in. Xero should show the Location is connected.
2. The team member has that same location listed as their main location in their employee profile on the People tab.
Do I need to create a new employee profile in Xero, or will Deputy do this for me?
Do I need to create an employee profile in Xero, or will Deputy do this for me?
Deputy will push the newly onboarded employee's data to Xero, and create a new profile for them in Xero, as long as
- the new employee's main location in Deputy is connected to your Xero account; and
- you tick 'Sync to Xero' when you Sync and Approve the new employee during the onboarding process in Deputy.