- Introduction to copying Location settings
- Copy a Location's Setting
- Duplicating Location settings
- What is the difference between duplicating and copying?
Introduction to copying Location settings
There may be an instance where you have many locations that all need the same settings created or updated. In this case, it is easier to configure one location, and use this as a template through the Copy Settings feature to copy them across to all other required locations.
This Copy Settings feature allows you to bulk update location settings all with the same settings, which can benefit you if you have a number of locations that you don't want to edit one by one.
For Premium accounts, only users who have System Administrator or Advisor access are able to copy location settings.
For Enterprise accounts, only users who have "Add, Edit, Delete" enabled for the Manage Workplaces and Pay Centres permission are able to copy location settings for locations they have access to.
Copying a Location's settings
1. On the Location tab, click the drop-down tab for the location you would like to copy the settings from.
2. Select Copy Settings from the menu.
3. A pop-up will appear. Here, you can select what settings carry over from the original location. This includes:
- Operating Hours - this allows you to synchronise the Operating Hours of your Locations
- Scheduling - this copies all the settings in the 'Scheduling' section of settings, including default shift durations, requirements for manager approval, and shift swapping permissions
- Timesheets - this includes all the settings in the Timesheets section, including how employees can clock in, rounding rules and more.
You can select any combination of these to copy all settings in those locations.

You can also choose how many locations you are copying to, whether that is all of them or a combination of them by clicking on the 'To' part of the window and select the required locations. You can search for particular locations by typing their name.
4.After clicking Copy Settings you will be returned to the Locations page, with a loading screen notifying you of the status of the process. Review the Location setting to confirm that they have been updated as required.
Duplicating a Location
In the Location drop-down tab there is also the functionality to duplicate a location.
Duplicating a location will create a NEW location with the same settings as the one you are duplicating.

What is the difference between duplicate and copy Location settings?
Duplicate will be used when setting up a NEW location that you want to configure with the same settings as an existing one.
Copy settings will be used when you have multiple locations already set up and need to update the settings for many, or all of them, at once.