Yes! The set of information that is unique to you, as identified by your email address, is called your Global Profile in Deputy.
Your Global Profile in Deputy also contains your personal information such as name, date of birth, photo and contact details and this information will remain the same for any organisation you join that uses Deputy.
Read more about how you update this information in your own Deputy Global Profile.
Similarly, if the two different organisations invite you to join them on Deputy using a common email address then your username and password to log in to Deputy will remain the same as well.
However, If one organisation sends the invite to a different email address you may have, then you will be asked to create a second account in Deputy when you join. It's actually easier if you use the same email address to join different organisations on Deputy.
If you do get invited to join multiple organisations on Deputy, how do you select the correct business when accessing your Deputy account?
How do I find the correct business to access in Deputy?
On the Deputy mobile apps
While accessing the global profile screen on the mobile apps you will see all the businesses you are connected to and can select which organisation to access.
1. On the Deputy mobile app, tap on your profile pic on the Home screen and select Switch business.
2. Tap on the name of the organisation account you wish to open.
On the Deputy website
While on your global profile page you can see all the businesses your individual Deputy account is connected to.
To access an organisation's Deputy account, click on Open.