Before you begin
In Deputy, please ensure that you have:
- Set up your Team member's pay rates
- Matched your employees' first and last names so they are identical in both Deputy and Crystal Payroll. Ensure there are no extra spaces or differences in middle initials that will cause a difference between the two systems and the export to fail.
- Approved your timesheets in Deputy
In Crystal Payroll, please ensure you have:
- Selected Deputy from the Data Import Settings drop down menu in Company Settings.
Exporting to Crystal Payroll
1. On the Timesheets tab in Deputy, select Export Timesheets.
2. Use the Location and date selector to select the workplace and date range you would like to export approved timesheets for.
3. Select the employees' timesheets you would like to export.
4. Click Export Selected Items.
5. Select CSV / Excel - All fields from the drop down menu. You can name your export file if you wish then click Export.
6. Once the export has completed, ensure your browser is set to allow pop up windows then click Download File to save this file on your computer.
7. In Crystal Payroll, click on Process a Payroll then Time and Income then click on Data Import. Browse your computer to locate the file you downloaded from Deputy then click Import.
8. The timesheet hours exported from Deputy should now appear in Time and Income in Crystal Payroll.
See also Crystal Payroll's help article on Integrating with Deputy.