- Before you start
- Updating leave balance
- Allowing team members to view their leave balance
Viewing leave balances as a manager
Before you can add leave balances
Ensure you have:
- an access level of Location Manager or System Administrator
- configured your leave policies
- assigned leave entitlements to your team members
- assigned employees pay rates (ensuring all boxes are filled in)
Updating leave balance
When you create or customise a leave policy there is an opportunity to set the method that Deputy will use to accrue leave for each leave policy.
Depending on what method you configure to accrue leave, Deputy could begin accruing leave and automatically updating the team members' leave balance from when you assign the leave policy to a team member or after their first timesheet is approved.
It's also possible that a manager may wish to manually update or adjust a team member's leave balance due to factors such as :
- transferring a leave balance from another system to Deputy
- managing one-off leave policies that don't accrue leave such as bereavement leave
If you are manually updating an employee's leave balance for a policy that accrues leave per hour worked it is good practice to ensure that all relevant timesheets for this employee are approved and the amount of leave accrued is up to date since manually updating the leave balance will overwrite the leave accrued in timesheets from dates prior to the manual update.
Let's look at how to update your team member's leave balance:
In the employee profile
1. On the People page, click on the name of the team member you wish to edit leave balances for.
2. From the left-hand menu select Leave and click on Edit current balances.
3. Enter the values for the hours of leave you wish to credit to the team member then click Save.
Note: If an expected leave entitlement does not appear here, you will need to assign it to the team member.
4. Leave balances will now be displayed. Where else can a manager view their team's leave balances?
As a bulk action for multiple team members
If you need to add leave balances to multiple team members at once you can select the team members and use Bulk actions > Set leave balance on the People page.
Note that each of the team members you select must already have the leave entitlement added to their profile before you can enter the leave balance in hours or days (depending on how you have configured this policy to track leave).
Via a connection to your payroll or HR software
You can sync leave balance from the following payroll / HR systems:
- Xero
- Gusto
- BambooHR
- FlareHR
Read Connecting new integrations for more information on how to connect your system. Once you are connected you may need to activate an optional extension to sync the leave balance such as shown in the example below for Xero.
Allowing team members to view their leave balance
If your organisation's policy dictates that employees can or cannot see their leave balance, we've made it easy to set this up within Deputy.
System Administrators can open Business Settings and click on the Leave tab to tick the box to Allow Team members to view their balance if required.
Don't forget to click Apply changes.
Once permission is enabled, employees can view their own leave balance on our Deputy website as well as the Deputy iOS and Android mobile apps.
On the Deputy website
1. Click on Profile in the right-hand menu under your name.
2. Leave Balances are shown under Leave.
On the Deputy Mobile application
Viewing Leave Balances on the Deputy iOS and Android mobile apps on the Home tab. Tap on Leave then select the Balance section to view your leave balance details.
Viewing leave balances as a manager
There are a few ways you can view your team's leave balances.
Employee profile
You can see a team member's leave balance in their employee profile under Leave. If you hover over a leave entitlement and click View details you can see more information about the leave entitlement configuration and balance.
After clicking on View details you can see:
- available balance
- upcoming leave
- what value Deputy is using to calculate a standard day of leave
- policy details including the accrual and rollover or reset method
On the People page
You can also use the Display menu on the People page to select and view leave balances. A new column will appear and display your team's Leave Balances.
To further filter team members by leave balance and leave type, click the Filter drop-down menu. Under Leave Type, select the specific leave type that you would like to view.
In Reports under Leave Management dashboard
You can view and filter Leave Balances in the Leave Dashboard on the Reports page as well as importing or exporting the data as a CSV file.
Future leave balance
If a leave policy has been configured to accrue leave as a fixed release option (either on the employee's start date or a specific date such as January 1st each) then there is also the option to allow your team member to request leave outside their current leave year.
If you have enabled both of these options when setting up your leave policy then you will be able to view the leave balances for both leave years in the employee's profile.
Select Leave from the left-hand menu then hover over the leave entitlement that has fixed release accrual configured and the option to request outside current leave year turned on and click View details.
You can see there are tabs that allow you to switch between the current a future leave period.
Managers can also view a team member's future leave balance on the Deputy mobile app.
1. Tap on the People tab and select the team member's name. Tap on Leave to see their leave requests or tap on Balances.
2. Tap to select the leave type you wish to view. Both the current and future leave years will be displayed.
If your System Administrator has enabled the ability for your team to view their own leave balance then each team member can also view their future leave year balance in the Deputy mobile app.
Tap on the Home tab then select Leave. Select the leave type you wish to view and tap Balances.
Note: in the above examples, the future leave request shows in the future leave balance as a negative balance because future leave years are set at 0 by default. Leave has not accrued or rolled over into the future leave year as yet, so the leave request in the future leave year causes the balance to go into negative leave for the time being.