Mapping your Deputy Leave items is done directly in the NetSuite application.
It is essential that you complete this setup, since, without leave items mapped in NetSuite, timesheets that include leave items from Deputy may not be exported into Netsuite.
Only those leave items set to export in Deputy will be listed for mapping within Netsuite. You can check whether an item is set to Export using Export Code in Deputy leave items settings.
1. Once the Deputy plugin is installed you can access the mapping by clicking Manage in Netsuite in the Deputy Leave Rule line of the Deputy Integrations Dashboard.
This will then open a screen like the below image
2. You can change the Netsuite Payroll Item which is being mapped to the Deputy Leave Items by selecting a different option from the drop-down list.
3. Once you have selected your Netsuite Payroll Item from the drop-down, you can select which leave items to map the payroll item to. When timesheets including these leave items are imported from Deputy, the selected NetSuite payroll item is what will be included on the time bills in NetSuite.
If you add a new leave type in Deputy and it is not appearing in NetSuite, you can quickly update Netsuite by clicking the Refresh Deputy Leave Rules button.
4. Once you have finished assigning the payroll items (not all leave items have to be mapped for the integration to work), click Assign which will save these links.
To return to the Deputy Integration Dashboard click Back.