Pay Conditions, Defined
In Deputy, a Pay Condition is a specific way that an individual can be paid. A Pay condition is made up of a few distinct pieces:
- Name
- Export code (for payroll purposes)
- Dollar, unit, or multiplier (what it's worth)
- Schedule (when it's applied)
- Areas (where it's applied)
For example, in the US, employees are eligible for weekly overtime after they've worked 40 hours in a week, usually 1.5x their base rate. Thinking about the different pieces above, we'd say that the name is Weekly OT, the export code would align with what weekly OT is coded to in a payroll provider's system (let's say the code is OT), it's worth 1.5x the user's base rate, it should apply anytime a user has worked more than 40 hours in a week, and it should apply to all areas!
Throughout this article, I'm going to walk you through these different pieces, explaining what they mean and how they work as we go! For this exercise, we'll be sticking to the 40+ hours example. However, we'll also be referencing more complex topics that will link out to other articles. I would recommend getting a complete understanding of the basics before moving on to learn more about topics such as area-based-pay, employment terms, and so on.
Getting Started
In the Enterprise tab, select Pay Conditions.
You will see your existing pay conditions listed, as well as a button to create new pay conditions. Click the magnifying glass to view details about an existing pay condition.
While viewing a Pay Condition, you can see:
Employment Terms with this Pay Condition
Comments about this Pay Condition
Specific record ID
Who created the Pay Condition
When it was created
When it was last modified
Historical change log
You can also:
Make a new Pay Condition
Edit this Condition
Navigate to the next or previous Pay Condition
Duplicate the Pay Condition
Add your own comment.
Creating a new Pay Condition
Click "New Pay Condition"
1. Give the Pay Condition a Pay Title.
This is a required field. This title should be descriptive and clear so that both you and your colleagues can recognize what this pay condition is at a glance. For example, if you're creating a weekly overtime pay condition for when an employee works more than 40 hours in a single week, you could name this "Weekly OT 40+ Hours".
2. Export Code
If you would like this Pay Condition to export for payroll, you will want to check the "Export this pay condition?" button and include the unique code associated with this Pay Condition as found in your payroll software. If you're having a hard time finding this information, please reach out to your payroll provider. In this example, we will use the export code "OT".
3. Comment
Finally, you have an optional "Comment" field. This is where you can add additional information about what this Pay Condition will accomplish. Using our 40+ hours weekly OT example, we could use this field to be more explicit about what we're doing with this pay condition. For this exercise, let's add the comment "This pay condition will apply a weekly overtime of 1.5x the base rate for any time worked past 40 hours in a 1-week period."
Step 2
Depending on what type of Remuneration Rule you choose, there will be different fields to configure.
Base remuneration rule
Shift Loading remuneration rule
Period Loading remuneration rule
Base Remuneration Rule
A base pay condition is a stand-alone pay condition, meaning two base pay conditions will never apply at the same time to a single employee. A base pay condition is not limited to the Employee's base rate. It could be a regular hourly rate, an overtime hourly rate, or any rate. The base pay condition just indicates at what rate a period of time should be paid if there is no additional pay information.
How to configure Step 2 for a Base Remuneration Rule
Remuneration Rule is a required field. If you are setting up a Base pay condition, please select "Base."
Next, you must select a Remuneration Type. This field is also required. Fortunately, for a Base pay condition, we are only able to choose Hourly. Just leave this selected. It's here that we're also able to select whether or not this is a specific hourly rate, or if this is a multiplier. If this rate is a specific hourly rate, do not check the check box next to the dropdown. However, if this pay condition IS multiplied, check the box. This indicates that we will be adding a multiplier against an existing pay condition. I'll show you an example of what fields are available with the multiplier box checked and without:
If the pay condition is not a multiplied rate, include the dollar amount that base rate is worth.
If the pay condition is a multiplied rate:
1. Check the "Is pay condition a multiplied rate?" box.
2. Include the multiplier value. For our example, this would be time-and-a-half, or 1.5.
Select which base rate this multiplier would apply to. This is usually the Employee Base Rate, meaning this pay condition will multiply whatever base rate has been selected in the Employment Term. An example of when you would not want to use a Base Remuneration is Area Based Pay.
Note: You will not be able to add a multiplier to a Base rate if it already has multiplier applied elsewhere.
Shift Loading Remuneration Rule
A shift loading remuneration rule is an additive rule, because it applies in conjunction with a base pay rule. While base pay rules can only apply one at a time, you can have as many shift loadings apply on top of that base pay rule as you need. Here's an example of when you would use a shift loading:
Scenario: Between the hours of 5pm - 11pm, workers should receive an additional $0.25 an hour on top of their base rate.
Select "Shift Loading" from the dropdown list under the "Remuneration Rule" field
Under "Remuneration Type," there are two options: Unit or Hourly. Depending on which you select, your options will change.
Unit Remuneration Type
Rather than assigning a dollar amount or multiplier amount, you can assign a Unit of measurement to this time. This only applies if the value of this unit is configured in your payroll software or elsewhere outside of Deputy.
Hourly Remuneration Type
If hourly, you will have 2 options, you can include an hourly rate as shown here...
...or a multiplied rate as shown here.
Minimum and Maximum type
Set the minimum value of a loading that can be applied to a timesheet, as well as a maximum value of a loading that can be applied to a timesheet. You can specify hours or dollars.
For example, if you never wanted anyone to receive less than 1 hours worth of shift loading, you could set the Minimum type to Hours: 1.
Period Loading Remuneration Rule
A Period Loading remuneration rule is one that would be considered additive. What this means is that it applies in conjunction with a base pay rule. Whereas with base pay rules can only apply one at a time, you can have as many period loadings apply on top of that base pay rule as necessary. Period loadings work similarly to shift loadings, except rather than applying based on requirements met by a single shift, they apply based on requirements met across a specified period of time.
How to configure Step 2 for a Period Loading Remuneration Rule
Select "Period Loading" under Remuneration Rule
2. Under "Remuneration Type", select either Hourly or Unit.
If you choose Unit, enter a Unit Value.
3. If hourly, enter an Hourly Rate
With hourly, you can also apply a multiplier rate
Step 3
For step 3, you will need to contact your Implementation Consultant, Customer Success Manager, or the Support team. This is because for the majority of pay conditions, you will need a script to determine when a pay condition should apply. We are currently working to build out a client-facing repository of the scripts available for use, the parameters that can be used with these scripts, and what these scripts will do for you.
However, until this is complete, you will need specific instructions for how to configure a script based on your needs.
There are two types of pay conditions that you are able to build without the support of Deputy's internal team resources. This is a base pay condition that applies 24/7/365, and a holiday overtime or shift loading. Please contact your Implementation Consultant, Customer Success Manager, or the Support team before creating any custom schedules or using any of the other options under the "Schedule" dropdown; these teams will be able to advise you on best practices and whether or not these schedules will suit your needs.
24/7/365 Base Pay Condition
Under "Recommend With," select "Schedule"
In the next dropdown, select "Global Daily - All day"
Select a Pay Portion Rule. Generally, an hourly rate will be assigned according to the exact hours that are matched, however, it is possible to enforce an hourly rate for a full shift even if it only matches a minor or major portion of that shift. Unless specifically told otherwise, you will likely use the "Pay Exact Portion" option.
Holiday Pay Condition
Under "Recommend With," select "Schedule"
In the next dropdown, select "Global Public Holiday"
Select a Pay Portion Rule. Generally, an hourly rate will be assigned according to the exact hours that are matched, however, it is possible to enforce an hourly rate for a full shift even if it only matches a minor or major portion of that shift. Unless specifically told otherwise, you will likely use the "Pay Exact Portion" option.
Step 4
Under step 4, you will be selecting which Departments (or areas) that a pay condition is applicable to. Depending on the type of pay condition you are creating, you may or may not want to select anything on this step. The Departments (or areas) are the different places that someone can be scheduled at each location. When these are selected, you are specifying that a pay condition will apply only when someone clocks-into that Department (or area).
If you are creating a base pay condition, you will only select a Department (or area) if you are building out Area-based pay. Otherwise, please do not select anything on this page.
If you are creating a shift loading or a period loading, you are required to select which Departments (or areas) this pay condition is applicable to. If no Departments are selected, then these rates will never apply!
If you are building our a Shift loading or a Period loading, you will also see Employment Terms listed along the right side of the screen. If you choose to select some Employment terms from this view, you are indicating that these pay conditions are applicable within those Employment Terms. This is the same functionality as you will see described in the documentation surrounding how to build an Employment Term.
Step 5
There are no action items required from this screen. Please review each field and value that you have set-up for this pay condition to ensure accuracy in configuration. Once you are confident in what you have configured, select "Save This Pay Condition".
Closing Words
At this point, you've created a pay condition! Congratulations; this is one of the more advanced tasks in Deputy. If this is the first (or second, or third) time you've built a pay condition, reach out to your Implementation Consultant, Customer Success Manager, or the Support team. Have us verify that this was built correctly for your needs. We are always happy to help!