You can export worked timesheets from Deputy to either Vendors or Employees in QuickBooks.
Note: Leave timesheets are not supported in this export.
Before you start
In Deputy, please ensure that you have:
- Set up your Team member's pay rates
- Approved your timesheets in Deputy
- Turned off any popup blockers on your browser
In QuickBooks, please ensure you have:
- Set up payroll time tracking
- Set up your employees
- Set up Vendors
- Configured the company setting in Quickbooks preferences that timesheets are NOT billable
Set up payroll time tracking in QuickBooks
Note: only QuickBooks Administrators can perform this task:
- Click Edit and select Preferences then click on Time & Expenses, then Company Preferences.
- For "Do you track time?" click Yes.
- In the "First Day of the Week" dropdown list choose the day of the week you start tracking time each week. The day you choose affects all weekly timesheets. For example, if you choose Sunday you timesheets begin on a Sunday.
- Click OK.
Setting up employees
Before exporting, you'll need to match your employees between Deputy and QuickBooks.
- Match your employees' Payroll ID in Deputy to their Employee ID in their employee profile in QuickBooks. The Payroll ID can be a word, a few letters, or numbers. The Employee ID in Quickbooks can be found by opening the Employees tab, and then double-clicking the employee in the list. You will see the employee profile appear. Click the Additional Info section and you will see the option to set it.
- Ensure your employee's name (First name and Last name) in Deputy matches exactly what is entered in QuickBooks. Note that Deputy does not use the middle initial field.
While editing the employee in QuickBooks, please navigate to the Payroll Info section. You will need to turn on the option named "Use time data to create paychecks". Turning this on will allow you to use timesheet data to create paychecks in QuickBooks. Here you should also set up the employee's Payroll Schedule (this controls their pay dates in QuickBooks) and their Earnings Items.
Deputy can output to straight time, time and a half, and double time. We suggest using the same items for each employee, which will multiply based on their straight time rate. It's important to use the same items for each employee if possible, as this will allow you to export the maximum number of employees as shown later in the article.
An employee correctly set up in QuickBooks should appear as below.
Setting Up Vendors
In Deputy, you'll need to make sure the employee name matches the Vendor name in QuickBooks. If you're assigning time to a particular Customer in QuickBooks, you'll need to make sure your Area Export Code in Deputy matches the Customer name.
Exporting timesheets to QuickBooks Desktop
1. On the Timesheets tab select Export Timesheets.
2. Use the Location and date selector to select the workplace and date range you would like to export approved timesheets for. Please ensure this period aligns with the period you'd like to pay staff for in QuickBooks.
3. Select the employees' timesheets you would like to export.
4. Click Export Selected Items.
5. Select QuickBooks Desktop IIF File from the drop-down menu.
6. Add in your
- Straight Time
- Time and a Half
- Double Time
rate names in the boxes for export codes (we recommend using the options as named)
7. You will then see a list of overtime options appear below. Please tick those that apply to your business.
8. You can name the file if you wish to.
8. Click Export.
You can now download the file to your computer and upload it to QuickBooks.
Note: This is the same file format that can be used with QuickBooks Enterprise.
If you receive an error during export such as:
[ERROR] The record at (or starting at) this line could not be imported. There was an error when saving a TimeTracking. QuickBooks error message: Billable activities must have a customer:job and service item. [3180]