The purpose of a schedule is to communicate when the team is (or was, if you are looking at a previous schedule) intended to work.
Timesheets, on the other hand, are created to inform us when the team actually worked.
By default, once the current day of the schedule has passed and shifts in the schedule have a submitted timesheet associated with them they will be automatically LOCKED by Deputy. This is intended to prevent anyone from retrospectively changing the shift from what was originally scheduled at the time the timesheet occurred.
Optional setting to lock shifts
In addition to the above default rule, there is also an optional setting to lock the schedule to preserve the integrity of the shifts that were scheduled, regardless of whether a timesheet was submitted or not.
Practically this means that after the specified amount of time has passed since the time the shift occurred, no one will be able to edit the scheduled shifts in retrospect.
Note: if you enable this setting it also means you can no longer add shifts retrospectively either. For the purposes of this setting 1 day = 24 hours, so if the setting is enabled to lock shifts after 1 day then you can't add a shift to the schedule that finished >24 hours ago. If you try to add such a shift you will receive an error such as:
"Sorry, this shift can not be added" or
"Date too far back - new shifts can't be added before .... Add a timesheet instead".
This setting can be customised at each location by the Location Manager or System Administrator.
Here's how to configure this setting:
1. On the Location page select the location you would like to edit and click on Scheduling.
2. Under the setting for Prevent changes to shift, select the time period you would like the scheduled shifts to lock after the shift has occurred:
- never (default)
- after 7 days
- after 3 days
- after 1 day
3. Click Save to apply changes.
Note: If you select Never then you will still see LOCKED shifts on the schedule because any shift that has a submitted timesheet associated with it will still be automatically locked one day after the shift occurred. See also Why is the shift locked in the Schedule?