Duplicate shifts allow you to create a number of duplicate empty and open shifts to save you time when scheduling a large number of team members in one area.
To create a number of identical duplicated shifts:
1. Create a new Open or Empty shift in the Schedule and complete the required shift details such as work area, start and end times, break details etc.
2. When you are ready to save the new shift, click on the three dots icon then Duplicate shift.
3. Enter the number of duplicated shifts you would like to create and click Ok. In this example, we selected 10 shifts.
4. 10 identical shifts will be populated in the Schedule. Don't forget to Publish your new shifts.
1. You cannot duplicate shifts that have been assigned to team members. This is because it will create a shift overlapping issue.
To avoid this, the Duplicate shift option will disappear if a team member has already been assigned to this shift.
2. You cannot enter a value above 500 in the duplicate popup. If you attempt to do so, you will receive the following message:
If you need to duplicate more than 500 shifts you will need to create the shifts in batches of 500.
You may also be interested in reading about copying shifts or repeating shifts.