This article is written for users with an access level of Location Manager or System Administrator.
- How public holidays are managed in Deputy
- How to set a public holiday for all locations
- How to set a public holiday for one or more locations or areas
- How to remove a public holiday
How to create a custom public holiday
- Public Holidays FAQ
How are public holidays managed in Deputy
Public Holidays are not automatically set in Deputy as Public Holiday dates differ around the world and in different regions.
Public Holidays in Deputy are used to pay your team members their public holiday rates, as set in your payroll system and by editing team members' pay rates on the People page in Deputy. Making a day a Public Holiday will apply their PH rates instead of their weekday or weekend rate.
Important note regarding public holiday timesheets and pay:
Setting a Public Holiday in the schedule will not automatically pay full-time staff who do not work the Public Holiday. You can manage this in your payroll system or see some of the other solutions described below.
If you have already approved timesheets before marking the Public Holiday in the Schedule, the regular pay rates will have been applied to your timesheets rather than your public holiday rates. To apply public holiday rates you will need to unapprove the timesheets and then approve them again after you have set the public holiday in the schedule.
Setting a public holiday for all locations
1. On the Schedule page, ensure you have All locations selected in the Location selector drop-down menu. If you don't see this option, put your location selector into "Quick Select" mode.
2. Select the day you would like to mark as a public holiday and click the date itself.
3. Toggle ON the Public Holiday option. You can also toggle it back OFF if you have made a mistake.
3. After marking a day as a Public Holiday you'll see the day marked with a light red background on the schedule with an umbrella logo, as shown below on Friday 6th.
Setting a Public Holiday for specific locations or areas
1. On the Schedule page, make sure your location selector is in multiple selection mode and select one or more specific locations where you would like to apply the public holiday. In this case, we'll select The Azure and The Cyan locations.
Click on Done after making your selections in the menu so that the filter applies these selections to the Schedule page correctly.
2. Select the day you would like to mark as a public holiday and click the date itself.
3. Toggle ON the Public Holiday option. You can also toggle it back OFF if you have made a mistake.
4. Only these specific locations will have a public holiday applied to them. If you filter the Schedule page show to again display "All Locations" you'll notice only our selected locations from Step 1 are highlighted as public holidays.
Note: If there are any public holidays on the schedule, the public holiday icon will display in your date header. If you remove the public holiday, all locations and areas within view will have the public holiday setting set to off.
How do I remove a Public Holiday from the schedule?
1. On the Schedule page, filter to the location where you'd like to remove the public holiday. In this case, we will select only The Cyan that we enabled a public holiday for in the above example.
2. Select the day you would like to mark as a normal day and click the date itself.
3. Toggle OFF the Public Holiday option. You can also toggle it back ON if you have made a mistake.
4. The Public Holiday will now be removed for The Cyan but remain in place for The Azure which we had previously set up.
Note: If you wish to remove a public holiday from all locations then esure you have selected All locations in the Schedule before toggling it off.
How do I create a custom Public Holiday?
If you want to see all the public holidays you have set up, need to edit a public holiday to only part of a day then you will need to set up a custom public holiday.
Create a custom public holiday for a partial day
You can use a custom Public Holiday to create a Public Holiday that takes place as a partial Public Holiday by setting a specific time to start and finish.
1. First, login to Deputy on the website.
2. Next, you'll need to select your URL in your browser and add:
As an example, where your business is called "SPARK", and your Deputy URL is:
Then you need to enter this in your browser:
After changing your URL, hit enter on your keyboard.
3. You will now see a list of public holidays as shown in the screenshot below:
On the left, you will see the possible actions:
- The magnifying glass icon will allow you to view the Public Holiday setting
- The pencil and paper icon will allow you to Edit it,
- The red cross will Delete it.
Viewing a Public Holiday will allow you to see when it was created and by who.
Editing it will allow you to change its name, the day it applies, and which areas and locations it will apply to.
4. To create a new Public Holiday, click New Public Holiday in the top left corner.
5. On the creation screen (which is the same as the Edit screen, should you make changes later) you can set:
- the name of the Public Holiday
- the specific times that the public holiday applies - use the drop-down or type numbers to select the start and finish time of the public holiday period.
- if it should repeat (weekly/monthly/yearly) and
- which Departments (another name for Areas) it applies to.
- if you don't select any departments (areas), it will apply to ALL locations and all areas.
- If you select one area (or more) it will apply only to those areas. You can use this feature to apply the public holiday directly to a few areas within a location and/or within multiple different locations.
- Later on, if you create a new Area in your organisation, you MUST come back and tick it here for the public holiday to apply to it. If this is not done, the public holiday will not be applied to this new Area.
7. Don't forget to click on Save This Public Holiday before you close the window.
How will the partial day public holiday affect pay rates?
Once the partial-day public holiday has been created, any timesheets that occur during the public holiday period will have public holiday pay rates applied for the hours worked during the assigned public holiday period.
In the example below, the custom public holiday has been set up to occur between the hours of 6pm and midnight on Saturday 11th February.
When we look at the Approve timesheets tab for the day of the public holiday we can see a team member that worked a shift from midday on Saturday 11th February until 1am on Sunday 12th February has the following pay rates automatically applied:
- 6 hours of Saturday pay rates from noon til 6pm on Saturday
- 6 hours of public holiday rates from 6pm til midnight on Saturday
- 1 hour of Sunday pay rates applied from midnight Saturday til 1am Sunday.
Public Holiday FAQs
Does Deputy pick up public holidays?
Not automatically due to all the different countries that we operate in. You can add public holidays manually to the Schedule.
If I assigned a public holiday in the schedule this year do I have to do it next year again?
Yes, the date or day of the week of public holidays can change from year to year so you will need to set it in the schedule every year.
If you have created a custom public holiday you can use the repeat yearly option if appropriate.
How does the Annual leave accrue if a team member is working a public holiday?
If you are using Deputy's leave accrual feature, it will accrue leave based on hours worked and does not differ based on the type of day worked.
If the public holiday is only for part of the day, what will happen in Deputy?
You will need to create a custom public holiday with the specific times that the public holiday starts and finishes.
Shifts that occur partially in the public holiday partially outside the public holiday will have the applicable pay rates applied by Deputy according to the time settings you configure for the public holiday.
How do you manage public holidays for full-time team members? They get paid but do not have to work.
You can create a specific area (or location if you prefer) and call it something like "Public Holiday not worked" and then put all your public holidays into the schedule and then customise the public holiday settings to turn off public holiday rates in that specific area or reach out to our 24/7 support for assistance.
You would then schedule your team members in this "Public Holiday Not Worked" Location or Area so that they can get paid at their normal rates for that day.
If you choose Public Holiday for a particular day and someone doesn't work it because the office is closed, but needs to be paid at their normal hourly rate, not the P/H hourly rate. Can Deputy accommodate this? I'm concerned if I choose P/H for a certain day for all office team members that they will end up being paid a higher rate for that day when they are not entitled to it.
You can create a specific area (or location if you prefer) and call it something like "Public Holiday not worked" and then put all your public holidays into the schedule and then customise the public holiday settings to turn off public holiday rates in that specific area or reach out to our 24/7 support for assistance.
You would then schedule your team members in this "Public Holiday Not Worked" Location or Area so that they can get paid at their normal rates for that day.
Could you also do public holiday not worked as a leave type?
Yes, you could set up a leave type for public holiday not worked and then attach it as a leave entitlement to the relevant team members and then don't put the public holiday into the schedule but if you're having team members who are working on a public holiday and get public holiday rates it wouldn't work so this is only an option if your entire staff is NOT working on public holidays.
What if a full-time team member works a public holiday and they get paid the normal rate but they earn a TOIL?
You have to create a specific location and call it something like "Public Holiday not worked" and then put all your public holidays into the schedule and then reach out to our 24/7 support and they can turn off the public holiday rates in that specific location. After that, you can turn the location setting (in Notifications & Integrations) that accrues TOIL in that specific location.
For more information on managing leave please read Leave Management.
How can I use Deputy to obtain consent from employees to schedule them to work on a Public holiday?
Managers can use the Shift confirmation feature in Deputy when publishing shifts to seek permission from employees to schedule them on shifts that occur on public holidays if this is required by local regulations.
Read Seeking permission from your employees to schedule shifts on a public holiday for more detailed information.