Your employer is using Deputy to streamline your onboarding process to reduce the need for paper forms. With Deputy, you can complete your onboarding forms on your phone or computer and upload photos of any necessary documents.
In this article, you will learn:
What information you will be asked to provide
Onboarding allows your employer to digitally collect and record vital information. This includes:
- Personal details
- Bank (payment deposit) information
- Your Tax File Number
- Emergency contact details
- Superannuation details
Your employer may also ask you to upload files or photos of your identity documents or relevant certificates related to your work.
How to complete the onboarding forms
You will receive an invitation link via email and SMS inviting you to start filling out your new starter details.
You may see a message like this on your phone:
Please note that the example shown below is the process as shown on a mobile phone. You can also complete the onboarding process on a computer, and the experience is similar, if not exactly the same as what is displayed below.
Get started
Tap on Get Started and tap on each of the sections to complete your details:
Personal Details
Enter your preferred name, date of birth and home address and tap Save to return to the main menu.
Note: Your preferred name is the name you’d like to be known as by your teammates but won’t be used for payroll or where your legal name is required.
Bank Details
In Bank Details, enter the bank account details of where you want your pay deposited including Account Name, BSB and Account Number.
Tap Save.
TFN Declaration
Complete the details for your Tax File Number Declaration.
If you aren’t sure of exactly what the question is asking, click on the ‘i’ info icon for a text prompt to help you answer the question.
In this step, you will need to answer questions regarding your tax status to ensure that you are taxed correctly.If you aren’t sure of exactly what the question is asking, click on the ‘i’ info icon for a text prompt to help you answer the question. Alternatively, please visit for more assistance with tax questions.
If you select that you don't have a TFN or are exempt from providing one, you will need to specify a reason.
By ticking the boxes when filling in your details, you are confirming that you have entered the details correctly. The boxes, when ticked, are considered the equivalent to a written signature and meets the requirements set by the ATO.
Please note that there are penalties for deliberately making a false or misleading statement.
First, you'll need to identify whether you're eligible for superannuation.
If No, you won't need to fill out the Superannuation section, just click Save.
If Yes, you will need to nominate where your superannuation fund contributions will be deposited to. You have three choices:
1. The superfund nominated by your employer.
This is the company's default superfund. If you choose this option you will only need to provide your full name and your TFN.
2. My own choice of superannuation fund.
Selecting My own choice of superannuation fund requires you to know your super fund's name or USI, your TFN, and to have your super fund member number ready.
3. Your own self-managed super fund.
Selecting I have my own Self-managed super fund (SMSF) requires you to print out and complete a form, which needs to be given to your employer as soon as possible.
You will be shown a link to the form, or you can download the form here.
Emergency Contact
Here, enter the details of the person you would like your employer to contact in the case of an emergency. Complete
Their full name
Mobile number
The relationship you have with that person
Upload a document
If your employer has requested a copy of a document such as a driver's licence or evidence of training certification, you will see a Documents we need from you tab.
You must upload the requested doc to complete your onboarding.
Simply upload or drag & drop each document requested. You can only upload one file per document request. Make sure your file is less than 10MB and one of the following file types: .png, .jpg, .pdf.
Note: on mobile, you can use your camera to take a photo and upload it.
Forms to Sign
If your employer has requested you complete a form and sign it, you will see a Documents you need to sign or acknowledge tab. Tap on it.
The documents you need to sign or acknowledge will be shown on the next screen. Click on Fill out document and then tap on each field that needs to be completed.
When it comes to signing the document, you can sign:
using your finger, stylus or mouse
type your name
take a photo of your signature
Once all required fields are complete you can click Continue.
Lastly, you need to click I agree and then Close.
If you have a second document to complete and sign continue using the same process until all listed documents have been signed.
You will receive a copy of the signed documents (via email) once your manager has approved your onboarding form.
Review and submit your form
When you have successfully filled in your forms, you will see ticks against each section successfully completed and a prompt at the bottom of the screen, stating that you have completed your forms. Click the 'Review' button.
You will be given the opportunity to review and edit your forms before submission. If any of the forms need to be edited you can go back into the section and change the details by clicking on the Edit button.
If all the information is correct, click the Submit prompt at the bottom of the screen.
After submitting your form, you will see a page where you can download the Deputy app.
If you have not completed any section correctly your manager may send you another prompt to review and complete the sections in question.
You will also receive your Deputy invitation email and instructions on how to log in.
Watch a video to see how to complete your onboarding
Please read more about Getting started on Deputy as an employee.