Managers may sometimes receive an error message when attempting to save any changes to a team member's people profile (even if the changes are unrelated to the email address or phone number).
You may see the following errors:
Cannot change contact details to employee who has accepted invitation
Previous mobile XXXX differs from new XXXX
Cannot change contact details to employee who has accepted invitation
Previous email XXXX differs from new XXXX
These errors may occur if the information provided in your team member's global profile does not match the information entered in their employee profile at an organisational level.
Please ask your team member to follow the instructions in Log in and update your global profile on the Deputy website to correct the issue. Ask your team member to ensure their mobile phone number and email address are correctly displayed and click Save (even if no changes were made).
Once the team member has clicked Save in their global profile the information should also be correct in their employee profile on the People tab in your organisation and you will be able to make the required changes to other details.
If you are still having issues with this error after following these instructions please raise a ticket with our Support team.