Once you have set up your signature templates you can send requests to your team members to ask them to sign and upload documents which will be stored in their employee profile on Deputy.
- Requesting team members to sign and upload documents
- Reviewing and downloading documents signed by your team member
- Resending an updated document to have your team member sign again
- Cancel a request to have a document signed
Requesting team members to sign and upload documents
1. On the People tab, click on the name of the team member you wish to send the document to sign and upload.
2. Select Documents from the list on the left hand side and click on Send.
3. Tick the checkbox(es) to select the documents(s) you wish to send to the team member to be signed and then click Send.
- you can use the search field and type the name of your document to find it faster if you have a long list of documents.
- if the document you need to be signed does not appear in the list or you need to edit the template before sending it to your team member please click on Manage signature templates.
4. If the template(s) you are sending have custom text fields that require the manager to enter information you will be asked to enter it now. Click Send.
5. The documents will now be sent to your team member to be reviewed and signed. You can read more about how team members complete this process in our help article:
Reviewing and downloading documents signed by your team member
Once the team member has signed and submitted the documents the manager that requested them will receive an email notification.
Alternatively, managers can check the status of the documents in the team member's profile.
1. Click on their name on the People page.
2. Select Documents from the left-hand side and you can see any documents that have been requested but not yet signed will have the REQUESTED label next to them and are greyed out.
If the team member has signed and submitted the document it will have a green signed icon next to the name. You can download the document to your computer by clicking on the download icon on the right or you can view the signed document by clicking on the document name to open it.
You can view the signed document and click on the info button to view details about who signed it and when. You can also download it from this screen.
You can select multiple documents to download at once by selecting the tick boxes next to each document and selecting Download.
Note: You can not delete signed documents from a team member's profile
Resending an updated document to have your team member sign again
In the scenario where you might need to update a document template with new information and have the team member sign the new document, you can do this and still maintain each version of the signed document.
1. Assuming you have a signed copy of the document on file in the team member's profile you will see it displayed as green. If you need to send an updated version of this document to be signed, click on Send.
2. Click on Manage signature templates.
3. Hover over the name of the document template you wish to edit then click on the pencil icon.
You can now update and save the template as described in Managing your document templates.
4. Once you are happy with the new document template you can send the team member a request to sign the new version of the document.
5. When the second version has not yet been signed you will see both the signed version and the requested version appear in the team member's profile.
6. When the team member has signed the second updated version of the doc, it will appear with a green signed icon.
7. To see the version history click on the name of the signed document to view it and then click on Version history.
8. The version history of the document will be displayed and you can hover over all versions to display a download icon and download the required version. The current version displayed in the team member's profile is labelled as CURRENT VERSION.
Cancel a request to have a document signed
If you need to cancel a request to have a document signed by a team member:
1. Click on their name on the People page.
2. Select Documents from the left-hand side and hover over the requested document you want to cancel then click on the cancel icon.