This article describes how or accept or decline shift changes that your manager has made in the schedule.
- Why am I being asked to accept or decline shift changes?
- Accepting or declining shift changes via email
- Accepting or declining shifts from the Deputy mobile apps
Why am I being asked to accept or decline shift changes?
If you work for a US organisation that is subject to Fair Workweek legislation, your workplace may be required to obtain your consent if they need to create or change a shift within a specific timeframe before the start of the shift.
Some examples might be:
- your manager creates a new shift for you on the schedule with 3 days notice
- your manager changes the start time of tomorrow's shift because they need you to come in early
- you manager deletes an existing shift for later this week because they don't need you to work anymore
The specific consent requirements differ according to local legislation and some shift changes may attract a pay premium in specific locations or circumstances. Please confirm the details of these requirements with your manager if you would like to know more.
If you receive a notification for a shift change, you will need to accept or decline the shift change within Deputy. You can do this via email or via the Deputy mobile app.
Accepting or declining shift changes via email
You may receive an email if you have new shifts or changes to existing shifts that you need to accept or decline.
1. Open the email and click the link to confirm or decline your shifts.
2. A new browser tab will open with a list of shifts requiring consent. The reason consent for the shift is required is displayed in red.
If you wish to accept all shifts listed click Accept all. If you wish to respond to them individually click on Accept for the shifts you consent to work.
3. Click on Decline for the shifts you do not consent to work.
4. You have an option to provide a reason why you can not work this shift, then click Decline.
You may also receive notification to confirm existing shift where the manager has changed details about the shift. In this instance, there is a reason displayed in red to indicate why you are being asked to provide consent for the shift change. Click Accept or Decline on the proposed shift changes.
Note: if you click Decline on the proposed shift changes in this instance, this only indicates you are unwilling to work the proposed new shift details. You will still be committed to work the original shift detail before the change was proposed by your manager.
Accepting or declining shifts from the Deputy mobile apps
If you are logged into the Deputy mobile apps and have push notifications enables you will see a push notification appear in your phone when you have new shifts or shift changes to confirm.
On iOS, if you hard press on the notification, and unlock your phone, you will be taken to a list of your upcoming shifts with any shifts requiring confirmation labelled as Confirm.
If you do not have push notification enabled, you can still review the shift requiring confirmation by logging into the Deputy mobile app and reviewing the Home screen.
You can tap each shift labelled with Confirm individually, or tap on All Upcoming shifts
The reason for the shift confirmation will be indicated at the top of the shift. You can tap on Accept Changes if you agree to work this shift. If you accept the shift, it will remain in your upcoming shift list but you can still tap Can't work at a later time if there is a reason you can no longer work.
If there is a shift in your upcoming shifts list requiring confirmation that you wish to decline, tap on the shift to open the details and tap on Decline Changes.
You have the option to provide a reason why you are declining the shift, then tap Done.
You will see that only confirmed shifts now appear in your Upcoming shifts list and declined shifts are no longer visible to you.