Why am I being charged sales tax?
As a non-resident supplier of digital products, Deputy is required to charge GST / HST to all customers who are not registered for GST/HST. We use your Tax Identification Number in Deputy to determine this.
If you need to update your details, please follow these easy steps to update your Tax Identification Number.
Why am I being charged Provincial Sales Tax (PST)?
Deputy collects and remits British Columbia provincial sales tax (PST) and Saskatchewan PST. This is based upon company address details you provided to Deputy. If you need to update your details, please follow these easy steps.
Deputy wasn't charging these indirect taxes before. Why now?
Our responsibility to collect and remit taxes is reviewed frequently, based on various factors including:
- Changes in requirements.
- Reaching threshold requirements.
- Establishing a business presence in new locations.
As a result, we have determined that we are obligated to collect and remit taxes in order to remain compliant with Canadian laws.
I have similar services with other companies, but why don't they charge me Canadian GST/HST and PST?
We can't speak for other companies. However, every business has its own requirements and decisions to make. Based upon our circumstances and requirements, we're required to collect and remit GST/HST and PST, in order to comply with Canadian laws.
I've been charged GST/HST and/or PST and I believe it is incorrect. How can I fix this?
We use your Tax Identification Number and Company Address details in Deputy to calculate the indirect taxes charged on your invoice.
If you need to update your details, please follow these easy steps.
Who can I contact for further questions?
We're here to help and provide insight where we can. For any further questions or queries, please email Deputy at sales-finance@deputy.com.