Why am I being charged sales tax?
Each state in the United States has its own set of sales tax laws that apply to the services provided by Deputy, which may result in sales tax being added to your bill. Sales tax is applied to your billing based on your company address.
How do you decide which state I reside in to charge sales tax?
Sales tax rates are based on the company address details you provided to Deputy. If you need to update your details, please follow these easy steps.
Which states are sales tax applicable?
Deputy currently charges sales tax for the following states or regions:
- Arizona
- Connecticut
- District of Columbia
- Hawaii
- Kentucky
- Massachusetts
- New York
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Washington
- West Virginia
My business is exempt from sales tax. Where can I send my exemption certificate?
Please email Deputy at sales-finance@deputy.com with a copy of your tax exemption certificate. Please also provide your account name with the request.
I've been charged sales tax and I believe it is incorrect. How can I fix this?
Please email Deputy at sales-finance@deputy.com and we can review this for you. Please also provide your account name with the request.
Deputy wasn't charging sales tax before. Why now?
Our responsibility to collect and remit taxes for certain states is reviewed frequently, based on various factors including:
- Changes in requirements from each state.
- Reaching threshold requirements.
- Establishing a business presence in new locations.
As a result, we may be required to collect and remit taxes in states where we previously didn't, in order to remain compliant with state laws.
I already submit and pay sales use tax on a regular basis. What does this mean for me?
If you report and pay your own use tax on purchases, please email Deputy at sales-finance@deputy.com with a copy of your direct pay permit or a statement outlining that taxes due will be remitted by you to the relevant authorities.
I'm a reseller/partner of Deputy and I'm located in a different U.S. state than a customer. How will sales tax be determined?
Sales taxes in the United States are based on the location of the reseller/partner, not the final end-user of services provided by Deputy. If a valid reseller exemption certificate hasn't been sent to us, then the relevant state's sales tax will apply to your bill.
I have similar services with other companies, but why don't they charge me sales tax?
We can't speak for other companies. However, every business has its own requirements and decisions to make. Based upon our circumstances and requirements, we're required to collect and remit sales tax, in order to comply with each state's sales tax laws.
Who can I contact for further questions?
We're here to help and provide insight where we can. For any further questions or queries, please email Deputy at sales-finance@deputy.com.