This function currently exists as an extension that, when activated, will trigger the junior team member will receive a base pay increase on their birthday.
Before you begin
You will need to ensure:
- you are logged into Deputy with an access level of System Administrator or Advisor
- your team member has their pay rates set up in their profile
- your junior team member has their birthday set in their profile
- your junior team member is between the ages of 16 to 20.
Note: this extension does not function if you are using Pay by Area for the team member.
Activating the extension
1. Click on the drop-down menu underneath your name and select Integrations.
2. Click on Deputy Extensions.
3. Click on Configure for the location you wish the extension to be applied to.
4. Type "birthday" in the search field and click Activate on the extension Birthday today > Update Junior Pay Rates.
Setting up the extension
Within this popup, you can set up the details of the extension.
1. Select the award that this automation will apply to. You can select any of the library award rates in Deputy. In this example, we will use [MA000002] CPSA 2010 - Casual.
Now, enter the values for the base rate in conjunction with the age.
For more information in Australia about the correct pay rates for each specific award, check out the Fair Work website.
For this extension to function correctly, the team member's rate must match the correct base rate value according to age.
You can then select who is notified of the change.
- None: No notification
- Manager: The user who created the team member's account
You can also choose which type of notification you receive when an employee's pay rate is updated:
- Both
- Push notification
When you are done, click Save at the bottom of the page.