This article explains how Deputy calculates the multipliers for our Australian awards.
We use the rates from the pay guide of the award on the Fairwork website:
This is the Fast Food Industry Award pay guide:
To calculate the multipliers, Deputy takes the value of each rate and divides it by the hourly pay rate. Let's look at some calculation examples:
FT/PT Level 1 Saturday Rate $30.91 / Hourly Rate $24.73 = 1.25x
CAS Level 1 Saturday Rate $30.91 / Hourly Rate $37.10 / $30.91 = 1.20x
A full list of multipliers for this award are listed in our Fast Food Industry Award (FFIA) help article.
The rates below are from the Fairwork document:
The above table shows the % rate based on a minimum hourly rate. The minimum hourly rate is always calculated based on the FT/PT minimum hourly rate.
The casual % rate states for Saturday it is 150% off the minimum hourly rate which is the "FT/PT" hourly rate of $24.73.
The calculation works out to be $24.73 x 150% = $37.10 which is the Saturday rate for a casual employee.