What does 'borrowing team members' mean for scheduling?
Who can borrow team members for scheduling?
A scheduling manager is only able to 'borrow' team members if they have the following access levels:
Deputy Premium
System Administrator only
Deputy Enterprise
A scheduling manager, at minimum, needs these settings enabled under 'Scheduling':
- 'Manage schedule'
- 'Schedule all areas'
- 'Schedule team members that are not recommended'
- 'Select team members and areas from all locations' (Global Visibility)
- 'Select team members and areas from all locations' (Global Visibility) allows the scheduling user to borrow any employee (not just employees at Locations where they have access)
- the scheduling user with this setting enabled could potentially infer the pay rate of borrowed employees
How to borrow team members for scheduling
To schedule a team member to a different location than they are associated with in their employee profile, you just need to search for their name in the list.
Yasmeen is not associated with 'The Spruce' work location in her employee profile, only 'The Cyan'.
However, the scheduling manager for 'The Spruce' location needs to schedule her for a shift. You can see Yasmeen's name does not appear in the alphabetically sorted list on the left-hand side of the Schedule page when 'The Spruce' is selected.
When adding the shift, you can see that Yasmeen's name does not appear in the list of recommended team members however when the scheduling manager types her name in the search bar it appears with her main location code (CYA for 'The Cyan') next to her name. The scheduling manager is able to schedule Yasmeen for a shift at 'The Spruce'. After publishing the shift Yasmeen will be notified and can clock in to work the shift at The Spruce location in the usual way.
Approving timesheets in borrowed locations
If you have borrowed a team member from another location, you will need to approve the timesheet in the location where you wish to export the timesheet to payroll.
Following the previous example, Yasmeen usually works at 'The Cyan' but was borrowed to work a shift at 'The Spruce'.
If you review the Approve Timesheets tab with 'The Cyan' selected in the location selector, you can see Yasmeen's timesheet from 'The Spruce' still appears but with an arrow next to it. When you hover over the arrow a tip tells you she was Lent. You can also see her area of work in the timesheet summary has the location code for 'The Spruce" (SPR) in front of the area she worked in.
If you review the Approve Timesheets tab with 'The Spruce' selected in the location selector, you can see Yasmeen's timesheet from 'The Spruce' appears also with an arrow next to it. When you hover over the arrow a tip tells you she was Borrowed. You can also see her area of work in the timesheet summary has the location code for 'The Spruce" (SPR) in front of the area she worked in.
If you approve the timesheet in one location it will show as approved in the other, however, when you go to export the timesheet, it will only appear on the Export Timesheets tab in the location the timesheet was approved.
Exporting timesheets
To export a borrowed team member's timesheet, select Export timesheets on the Timesheet tab.
Using the location selector on the top left, select the location the timesheet was approved in and export the timesheet as usual.
Location visibility for borrowed team members
Team members who have been borrowed to another location will see this location in their Location tab under these conditions:
- Up to 7 days after generating a timesheet in a location where they have been borrowed.
- Whenever they have a future borrowed shift in that location (whether the shift is published or not).