Let's look at the settings that affect how you schedule your team in each location of your organisation.
Permission to configure Schedule settings
Users with an access level of System Administrator have the ability to configure some global schedule settings for their whole organisation.
Users with an access level of System Administrators and Location Manager are able to configure schedule settings for the locations they manage.
How to access Schedule settings by Location
To access these settings you will need to log into the Deputy website. It is also possible to configure some of these settings via the iOS Deputy mobile app.
Click on Locations
Click Edit Settings for the Location you wish to configure schedule settings.
3. Select Scheduling from the menu on the left-hand side.
Schedule settings by Location
You can set:
- The first day of the week on the schedule
- The default shift length when creating shifts
- The default meal break duration when creating shifts
Creating and publishing shifts
You can set:
- When a shift locks to prevent changes (never, 7 days, 3 days or 1 day) - this setting prevents managers from changing the schedule once the shift date has passed or adding new shifts to the schedule retrospectively.
- Which manager receives notifications for messaging such as late team members, shift swap approvals and open shifts claimed (Schedule Creator, Scheduling Managers of Location or Scheduling Managers of Location and Currently Working or Best Fit.)
- Whether team members are notified when shifts are removed
- Whether team members can claim open shifts, request open shifts with approval or participate in team member initiated swaps and offers if they have submitted unavailability for the period of the shift in question.
- When unconfirmed shifts (if using shift confirmation) are turned to open shifts if the team member does not confirm the shift
- Scheduling team member suggestion order
- Whether to display the Location and Area name when publishing shifts by SMS
Swaps and offers
You can set:
- Whether team members can view each other's shifts (needs to be on if you want team members to be able to swap shifts)
- Whether team members can swap shifts with each other
- Whether managers need to approve shift swaps
- Whether team members can offer their shift to other team members
You can set: