Hire allows you to publish your organisation's job listings on a dedicated career page. When you connect your Deputy account to SEEK, you can also choose to publish the same job listing on SEEK.
If you don't already have a SEEK account, sign up to SEEK first to continue setting up the integration.
- Connect to SEEK from the Hire settings page
- Publishing a job listing to SEEK
- Updating a job listing already published on SEEK
- Applying for a job ad on SEEK
- Reviewing applications in Hire submitted via SEEK
- Expiring a SEEK job ad early
- Disconnecting your SEEK account
Connect to SEEK from the Hire settings page
1. On the People tab in Deputy, click on Settings from the left-hand side menu and scroll down to the Job Boards section at the bottom of the page. Click Connect to connect to SEEK.
2. Follow the instructions in the pop-up to obtain your HirerID to initiate the SEEK connection:
- On the SEEK Software Link page and select 'Deputy'
- Sign in and fill in your relevant business information
- Once approved, input the HirerID that SEEK will send to your email in the input box as seen below
- Click Connect to initiate the connection.
Once you are connected to SEEK, the tile in the Job Boards section of Hire Settings will display a CONNECTED status as shown below.
Publishing a job listing to SEEK
Once you have created and published your job listing on your Deputy Careers page, you can then publish it to the SEEK job board.
On the Job listings tab, if you open any published job you will be shown a read-only version of your job listing that shows:
- who published the job listing and when
- how many applicants have responded to the job listing
- which Job Boards the job listing has been published on
To publish to SEEK, click Manage in the Job Boards section.
Click Publish next to the SEEK logo.
Most details of the job listing will be populated into SEEK's publish form but there are a few details you still need to complete to comply with SEEK's requirements:
Complete SEEK's publish form
Some notes before you start completing the form:
- Any amendments you make to the information populated from the Deputy Careers in this form will not change the information already published in the Job listing on the Deputy Careers page.
- If you leave this page or form while completing it and click elsewhere in Deputy you will lose any changes you have made or information you have entered and you will need to reenter them when you return to this form.
- Please ensure you are happy with the screening questions you have included in your Deputy Career's page job listing as they will be populated into your SEEK listing and can not be changed once they are published to SEEK.
Contact info for listing
Add your contact details for this SEEK listing - this is a SEEK requirement but applicants will not see this information.
Job Title and Employment Type
This information has been pre-populated from the job listing you created for the Deputy Careers page.
Select a Location (Suburb, State, Postcode format) for your job from the drop-down. You can type the suburb name or the post code in the field to help you find the location.
Note: If you do not complete this step you will be unable to complete the next Job category field.
Job Category and subcategory
Select a Job category and sub-category to help potential candidates find your job listing within SEEK. Suggested job categories will be presented based on your job title and location, however, you can type in the search bar to select another category if required.
Job Summary
Write a sentence about your role to entice candidates to look at your job ad.
Note: this field has a 150-character maximum limit.
This job description has been pre-populated from the job listing you created for the Deputy Careers page but you can edit it within this field if you require.
- any changes you make here will not amend the job listing already published on your Deputy Careers page.
- this field has a 30 character minimum and 15000 character maximum limit
The pay information has been pre-populated from the job listing you created for the Deputy Careers page but you can edit it within this field if you require. The pay information will not be shown on your job listing in SEEK but used when applicants search and filter for job listings.
You also have a second Pay field that provides the option to enter pay information that will be displayed on the job listing. You do not need to enter only numbers but can write any free text you require such as "$50,000 + super and benefits".
Screening questions
The screening questions have been pre-populated from the job listing you created for the Deputy Careers page.
You also have the option to enter a URL to provide a link to a company policy.
IMPORTANT: please check this information carefully. You cannot change the screening questions or company policy URL link after the job listing has been published to SEEK. This is to ensure that all candidates have access to the same consistent information and screening criteria throughout the complete period the job is being advertised
Attach reference information (Optional)
There are optional fields where you can enter the following information to include on the SEEK job listing:
- Billing reference code
- Hirer job reference code
- Video link to add an option video to your job listing. Only YouTube videos are supported. You can select whether you want the video positioned above or below the job listing details.
Once you have completed the SEEK job listing form click Next on the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
Select a SEEK job ad type
On the next page you can select the SEEK Job Ad you would like to publish along with the current prices. Learn more about the different types of Ads.
Click on the tile to select the Ad type you would like to publish.
Note: All ads are listed for 30 days. Ads are also sent to potential candidates through job notifications. Ad prices vary based on many factors (e.g. supply/demand for roles). Prices shown are today's prices only. Scheduled ads will be charged the price of that ad on the day it's posted.
You can click on the Preview Job button to view how your selected job ad type and job listing will be displayed.
Another browser tab will open where you can view how the SEEK job listing will look on websites or mobile as a listing or in the search results.
Note if you choose either StandOut or Premium job ad type there will be a third step to complete where you can detail:
- 3 key selling points to attract candidates
- Branding on your ad chosen from your style library
Once you are happy with the job ad type you have selected you can click Submit. You will be invoiced for the job ad in SEEK and the job will be published on Seek's job board.
Viewing a job published on SEEK
After you’ve published your job to SEEK, you will see the screen below which (in this example) tells us the listing has been published to SEEK as a 'Classic Ad'.
Click on the icon on the far right to view the published ad.
Another browser tab will open to display the job ad in SEEK.
Updating a job listing already published to SEEK
After a job is published on SEEK, you can still make updates.
In Hire on the Job listing tab, click on the job listing you would like to update and a read-only version of the job listing will be displayed as shown below.
If you click on Edit on the top right-hand side of the screen you will be able to directly edit the job listing as it appears on your Deputy Careers page however, this will not update the job ad published on SEEK with the change you have made. You still need to make the changes in the SEEK job ad by following the process below.
Click on Manage in the Job Boards section as shown below:
Click on Manage in the SEEK section of the Job boards.
Click on Manage on the top right-hand side of the page to edit your SEEK job listing and follow the same steps as when you created the listing to make the necessary changes.
When it comes time to publish the updated listing to SEEK you won't be charged again as long as the job ad has not yet expired and you choose the same ad type as you selected previously.
If you want to upgrade to a more expensive job ad type than you chose previously, you can pay extra to update your ad when you submit it.
Applying for a job ad on SEEK
Candidates who apply for a job listing by responding to a job ad in SEEK will be required to sign up or log in to their SEEK profile.
Candidates will be prompted to answer the screening questions, upload their resume and submit their resume following SEEK usual process to submit job applications.
The application will be submitted by the candidate within SEEK and then automatically appear in Hire in Deputy for the manager to review as usual.
Reviewing applications in Hire that were submitted via SEEK
For more information on reviewing applications in Hire please read Manage your job applicants in Hire.
Reviewing applications received via SEEK will be handled in the same way as responses to other job listings with one exception.
Candidates applying from SEEK will go through SEEK's application flow. The SEEK application flow will not provide the opportunity for the candidate to submit a video response in the same way as a Deputy Careers page job listing will, so no video will be provided in the application.
You can see on the Applicants tab in Hire that there is a small logo on the lower right-hand side of each application:
- the Deputy logo shows that the application was submitted directly to Deputy using Hire
- the SEEK logo shows which applications where submitted via SEEK
The applications submitted via SEEK will also have the video missing and so the applicant's initials are instead displayed on the tile on the Applicants tab.
When we click on the application to open it, we can see that there is also a SEEK logo on the top right telling us the application was submitted 7 minutes ago via SEEK.
As this applicant applied with SEEK and therefore was not required to record a video answer, the video response is not available but all other information submitted by the applicant via SEEK will be displayed.
The hiring manager may now manage the application in the same way as other applications in Hire.
Expire a SEEK job ad early
If you need to end a SEEK job ad earlier than the state expiry date you can do this.
Click on Manage in the Job Boards section as shown below:
Click on Manage in the SEEK section of the Job boards.
This page will show us the expiry date of the ad on SEEK.
Click on Expire early if you want to finish the job ad today.
You will receive a warning stating that this act is permanent and can not be undone. You will need to recreate and pay for another job ad if you wish to republish the job listing. It may take a few minutes for the job ad to be processes and removed from SEEK.
Click on Expire listing if you are sure you wish to remove the job ad early.
Note: If you archive a job listing in Hire while the job is still published to SEEK then the job ad will also be removed from SEEK. You will need to recreate and pay for another job ad if you later unarchive the job listing and wish to republish the job listing to SEEK.
Disconnecting your SEEK account
If you no longer wish to have your SEEK account connected to Deputy, go to Hire Settings and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Click Disconnect and your Deputy account will no longer be connected to SEEK.
IMPORTANT: Please check if you need to make any changes to your published jobs on SEEK before disconnecting your SEEK account as you can not make changes by logging in to your employer profile on SEEK if the ad was posted from Deputy.
Disconnecting SEEK from Deputy will not affect any jobs already posted on SEEK.