This article has been written for users with System Administrator or Advisor access to Deputy.
This integration was built and is supported by Tenzo. For all setup help and support for this integration, please contact Tenzo on
- What does Tenzo do?
- Connecting Tenzo to your Deputy account
- What does the integration between Doshhi and Deputy support?
- Information flow between Deputy and Tenzo
What does Tenzo do?
Tenzo is a restaurant analytics and AI forecasting platform for restaurants, pubs and cafes.
Connecting Tenzo to your Deputy account
Tenzo will manage the set-up of your Deputy data in Tenzo. You'll be asked to create an admin-level login for Tenzo to your Deputy portal. Tenzo will set up an OAuth connection which lets Tenzo's platform access the Deputy account via a secure delegated access using access tokens.
What does the integration between Tenzo and Deputy support?
The Tenzo Deputy integration lets customers see and analyse their planned and actual labour costs and labour hours centrally alongside sales, inventory, and other crucial business insights.
What Deputy data can I see in Tenzo?
Within Tenzo, you're able to pick a date range and look at actual and planned (scheduled) costs and labour hours broken down by:
- Location
- House Parts (Areas in Deputy)
- Hour of the day
- Role
Please note you will never be able to see employee names and their individual salary details in Tenzo.
How does the Tenzo data match what is in Deputy?
Your actual labour data matches the Timesheet Wages and Salary costs in the 'Schedule vs Timesheet vs Sales' Report accessible via the Reports Dashboard. Please note that you'll need to approve timesheets in Deputy to see the actual costs in Tenzo. If timesheets haven't been approved then no actual costs will show in Tenzo.
Your scheduled labour cost and hours in Tenzo also matches the data in the 'Schedule vs Timesheet vs Sales' report for future weeks.
As part of your Tenzo onboarding process, your Tenzo CSM will perform a Quality Audit of your labour data in Tenzo to confirm that this matches the information from Deputy.
How regularly does the data from Deputy get pulled into Tenzo?
Your Tenzo account will be set-up to pull data in from Deputy a minimum of twice per day. Tenzo recommend this happens:
- Once at the close of your business day at a time when timesheets for that day should have already been approved off e.g. 3 or 4 am; and
- Once late morning / early afternoon the following day to account for any late approvals.
Please chat to your Tenzo CSM if you'd like to set up specific times for your Deputy <> Tenzo data sync.
How are labour overheads managed?
In Tenzo, you can toggle on and off to see your labour costs with or without labour overheads (payroll tax, holiday accrual, pensions or any other costs you pay in addition to your employee's salary cost). Tenzo pull in the schedule cost from Deputy this may include labour overheads if you have set these up as 'On-costs' for a location in Deptuy.
You can set up On-Costs in Deputy for each location. Your Tenzo CSM will review the On-Costs you have set up to ensure that Tenzo matches Deputy if you have set these up.
If you haven't set these up in Deputy but would like the ability to add these in Tenzo so you can see your fully loaded cost then please share with your CSM the percentages for each category of overhead you'd like to be included so they can set these up for you.
How are cost allocations managed for:
1. Salaried workers
Deputy allows you to choose how you allocate salaried workers' costs. In Tenzo salary workers' costs are evenly distributed across the year so even on days an employee doesn't work there will still be an associated labour cost for that person. Tenzo may therefore show different costs for salaried workers than Deputy.
2. Overtime
Tenzo does not currently support overtime in the Deputy integration at this time.
3. Breaks
Tenzo only supports unpaid breaks. This will affect hours.
4. Borrowing employees from other locations
Deputy supports scheduling employees who work in one location to work in another location also known as 'borrowing an employee'. Deputy timesheets show the total hours and costs that an employee worked in the location(s) they worked in. In Tenzo hours and costs are allocated to the place the shift was worked so Tenzo will match what is shown in Deputy.
Troubleshooting Deputy data in Tenzo
If you notice your Deputy Actual Labour Costs are different to Tenzo then please check your cost allocation for points 1-4 above. If this doesn't answer your question then please email
Information flow between Deputy and Tenzo
Information Tenzo sends to Deputy
Read more at Tenzo Deputy write.
Information Tenzo pulls from Deputy
Read more at Tenzo's guide for Deputy
Any questions regarding this integration, please contact Tenzo at