Connecting Deputy and Square will allow you to import your sales data into Deputy allowing you greater insight when scheduling for your organisation.
- Getting started
- Connecting the Square integration
- Setting up the integration step-by-step
- Editing or deleting the Square sales integration settings
Getting started
Before you begin to connect to Square, ensure you have:
- signed into Deputy as a System Administrator or a Location Manager
- your Square account login credentials
- set up all your locations in your Deputy account
Note: you can only connect one Square Account ID per business in Deputy. You will have the opportunity to map each location in Square to your Deputy locations during the integration configuration.
Connecting to the Square sales integration
This video summarises the Square connection and configuration process which is also described in the steps below.
To connect to the new Square sales Integration:
1. On the Schedule tab, click on Insights.
2. On the left hand side, select Sales and click Connect.
3. Find Square from the POS systems listed and click Connect.
Setting up the integration step-by-step
After you've successfully connected the integration, you can begin configuring the sales sync to meet the needs of your business.
Connected Locations
1. Map the locations in your connected Square account by selecting the matching Deputy locations to ensure sales from each location are brought over to Deputy accurately.
- Sales will be imported into the first area for each mapped location.
- Choosing Don't connect this location will stop any sales being brought over to Deputy from this Square location.
2. Once you have mapped all of your locations, click Next.
Sync Settings
Select the data you would like to import from Square to Deputy.
You can choose from
Sales data
AND / OR - Items sold
For sales you can choose between:
- Net Sales - The sales amount excluding taxes, tips, gift cards, discounts and refunds. This will match with the net sales figure listed in the Square Sales Report.
- Gross Sales - The sales amount including discounts and refunds but excluding taxes, tips, and gift cards. This will match with the gross sales figure listed in the Square Sales Report.
Items sold
Deputy will create a new unit metric called 'items sold' for each connected location.
Importing historical sales
After you have mapped your locations and configured your sync settings you will be able to start importing sales from Square.
Select the period of time you would like to import past sales data from Square to Deputy and click Start import.
Any new sales made will also then be imported into Deputy within 15 minutes of being listed in Square.
Editing the Square sales integration settings
If you need to delete or edit the Square Sales integration after you've set it up, you are able to do so from within the sales metric.
1. On the Schedule tab, click on Insights.
2. Use the Location selector to select the location your Square integration is connected to that you want to edit or delete. Click on the Sales metric and then the Settings cog on the right hand side of the screen.
3. If this location is connected to Square you will see the Square account in the Metric name field. Click on Edit to revisit the settings configured during the integration set up or click Remove to delete the integration connection between Square and Deputy in this location.
Note: To edit or delete a Square integration you need to be a System Administrator or a Location manager for each location that has been mapped within this particular Sales Sync.
If the edit and delete buttons do not appear as shown on the above screen then it is likely you are reviewing the Sales metric setting under the 'All Locations' view as shown below. Please select a specific location using the dropdown to be able to configure each location's square integration one at a time.