Business Setup
Locations & Pay Centers
This is where you can view and edit the Locations and the Pay Centers of your business, as well as create new Locations and Pay Centers. You can always create, view and edit Locations in the Locations tab, as shown below, but the Enterprise tab offers more powerful options for more complex business needs.
Below: Adding Locations in the Locations tab
Locations and Pay Centers
A location is any place where an employee can go to do work. It’s usually a building, but does not always have to represent a physical space. A Pay Center is a type of Location from which payroll is run. Your business might have only one Pay Center, or many. If you’re not sure which is right for your organization, consider whether you want to export your entire workforce’s payroll, for the same pay period, all at once, or in groups. Your business might employ some people who are paid weekly, and others who are paid bi-weekly, or you may need to be able to budget your payroll separately.
Your organization is complex, and deserves a tool that can keep up with your organizational hierarchy. When creating a Location in Enterprise, your are able to place it in your business hierarchy upon creation, and assign any Parent Locations, Child Locations, or Areas with ease. We'll review hierarchy at the end of the article.
Creating a Location
To create a Location in the Enterprise tab, choose Location & Pay Centers.
If you already have Locations set up for your business, you’ll see them listed here. To create a new Location, look for “New Location/Pay Center” located in the upper left corner, and click it.
We’ll start with the Location Name and Code. Both the Location Name, and the Location Code will need to be unique to the business, so if you’re creating multiple Locations, all with similar names, you’ll want to think of a consistent naming convention for them before you get too far. Usually, adding the city name to the end is enough. The Code is a 1-6 character unique code that represents the location for everything from Approving Timesheets, to Tasks.
Choose if the Location is Active, as in, is it operating currently. You may be planning a new location that isn’t ready to be scheduled, in which case it would not be Active.
Is Workplace/Pay Center
A location must be either a Workplace, or a Pay Center for it to exist. It can be both, but it can’t be neither.
Turn on “Is Workplace” if this is a location where people work. It must be a workplace to appear in your business hierarchy. Then, decide if this is the top level Location, or the Child Location of another. This kind of business hierarchy is a big reason why our customers choose Deputy Enterprise over Premium.
Turn on “Is Pay Center” if this is a location who’s budget is allocated toward payroll. Your Payroll Export code will need to match that of your payroll provider.
Last, choose the appropriate time zone for this Location.
Address, and Contact
In the upper left of the screen, you’ll see that you’re in the “Main” info tab. You can add other information about this Location in the Address tab, and the Contact tab.
Saving Your Progress
In the upper left of your screen, you can save this Location, or click the triangle to the right of Save to quickly save and move on to creating your next Location. Save and Next will save the Location, and open the template to create a new one. Save and Duplicate saves the Location, and then populates its information onto a new template, so that you can amend the pertinent info of the new Location. This allows you to create multiple similar Locations, without you having to type the same info in repeatedly.
Viewing and Editing Your Locations
Once you have created the locations you need for your business, you will see them listed in the Locations & Pay Centers section of the Enterprise tab. Use Filter by (circled in blue), and Keyword search (circled in green) beneath the Tab Bar to refine your list. You can also click on the category header (highlighted in red) at the top of the list to reorganize these Locations by their Code, Name, Parent Location, and more.
On the left margin of the Locations list, each Location will have a magnifying glass to view its details, and a pencil & paper to edit the Location.
The edit pencil & paper will return you to the same interface we used to create the Location. Click the magnifying glass now, to view the details of your Location.
Below the Tab Bar, you’ll see Back to list, New Location/Pay Center, and Edit Record.
The Location Browser is circled above, and allows you to view the details for other Locations. The Duplicate button is a great way to get a jump start on creating a new Location that’s very similar to the Location you’re currently viewing. You can add comments to a location for future reference, or even Deactivate the Location. Deactivating a Location does not delete its information, and is great for seasonal, or temporary Location management.
On the left, you’ll see the three categories from before: Main, Address, and Contact
You’ll now also see where you can view information regarding Areas of Work, Child Locations, Kiosks, Comments, and Info
Two of these categories will let you edit, and create new Areas and Child Locations. To see how, let’s explore Areas of Work, and Child Locations.
Areas of Work & Child Locations
These categories will allow you to quickly create a hierarchical structure beneath the Location you are viewing. We’ll start by clicking Areas of Work.
If you’ve already created areas of work for this Location, you’ll see them listed here. Just like with your list of Locations, you’ll see options to View (magnifying glass) and Edit (pencil & paper). You’ll also see a red “X” that can be used to delete an area.
You will want to avoid deleting any Location that is associated with any Timesheets, even if they are in the past. Pending Timesheets associated with a deleted Location will not export to payroll.
Now choose Child Locations, and click “Add new.” Since you’ve already created a Location, this should look familiar. It is the same template you used before, to create a Location, but now the “Parent Location” menu has already been assigned. This will allow you to create your new Location, and place it below the first Location in your organizational hierarchy, all in one step.
Hierarchy with Child Locations (Parent Location is Pay Center)
Hierarchy with Multiple Pay Centers
If you wish to view your business hierarchy as you see here, you can do so in the Reports tab. Look for Organization & Business Chart.