This article is intended for managers and above troubleshooting why tasks might not appear.
General troubleshooting tips:
For individual tasks:
For task groups:
- Unable to see a task from a task group on Deputy mobile
- Is the employee scheduled in the area of the task?
- Is the task available after a time?
General troubleshooting tips:
Check system settings and web browser first
With the exception of the Deputy mobile app, Deputy runs in your web browser, and so can be subject to issues that are easily fixed.
Note: We officially support Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge and Opera running the latest versions from the past 6 months.
1. Refresh your page. Sometimes updates you make are sent to the cloud, but your browser hasn’t updated to reflect this change. Clicking refresh helps your browser show you the most up-to-date info in Deputy.
2. Test your internet connection. If Deputy seems to be underperforming, try another site and see if the problem continues. This can help to determine whether the issue is in Deputy’s control, or that of your internet provider.
3. Ensure your Chrome browser is up-to-date. Deputy runs best on Google Chrome, and will always be optimized for the current version.
4. Clear cache and cookies. This is a great step toward troubleshooting any website issue. Note that cookies stored on your browser by other sites will also be reset.
For individual tasks:
Note: Tasks assigned by team members to themselves or tasks assigned to team members by other team members are not visible to any other team members including System Administrators.
Does the employee work at the location the task was created for?
When adding Tasks to a location, ensure that the employee you are assigning the task works at that location.
On the Tasks tab, you can select the location you are adding tasks to from the drop-down menu on the left.
And you can also view or edit the location your team member works at by clicking on the People tab, selecting their name and clicking Edit on their employment details.
Is the task assigned to the correct Employee?
Individual Tasks can be assigned to any employee. If tasks aren’t appearing for an employee, check to make sure that the correct employee is assigned to the task by clicking Assigned Tasks.
Check the assigned task list by mousing over the profile photos to see who is assigned to each task.
If a task has been assigned to the wrong employee you can not edit it. You must delete the task by clicking on the trash icon and create a new task assigned to the correct employee.
For task groups:
Note: Task Groups assigned to an Area are only visible to team members scheduled in that Area.
Unable to view task groups on mobile
If you are an employee who is trying to view Task Groups in Deputy Mobile, you will need to be clocked into a shift in the Area the task group has been assigned to. This applies to users of all levels, from Employees to System Administrators.
If you are a manager or above, and you want to view all Tasks and Group Tasks that are assigned to all Areas, this can be done in the Tasks tab, using Deputy on the web.
Is the employee scheduled in the area of the task?
If this Task is assigned to an area, a team member won't be able to view it until they have clocked in for a scheduled shift in that area.
To see who is clocked in for their shift, click on the Location tab and view the Teams list. A green dot will appear on team members who are clocked in and a purple dot on the team members who are scheduled for shifts later that day. If the team member shows a red dot on their photo, then they are not clocked in for the day, and will not see any assigned tasks for the task group in that area.
Available after a time?
If the Task is set to be available after a specific time, it will not appear to team members in that area before that time. This applies to tasks that are set to repeat as well.
In this example, if a team member clocks into the Kitchen area to work a shift they will not see the task appear until 10am.
About Tasks
Read the Tasks in Deputy article to get an overview of what tasks are, and how they work.