When your Deputy account is first created you may notice that the URL is made up of a series of numbers and letters as highlighted below:
If you wish to change the Deputy URL to something more meaningful, System Administrators can do this themselves. The URL you choose must be unique (see below).
Note: You can only change the unique URL name portion of the URL. You can NOT change the "au.deputy.com" portion nor change the geographical region identifier associated with your URL such as "eu" or "na". If you need to change your account's geographical association, you will need to set up a new account in that region.
To change your Deputy URL
1. Log into your Deputy account at once.deputy.com or alternatively if you are already logged into your can click on Account overview in the menu under your name.
2. Click Settings on the company you'd like to change the URL.
3. In the General tab, you can see the existing Unique URL already in the field. Please enter the new URL you would like to use.
4. Click Check availability to see if the new URL is available. If it is available, it will display a green tick and you can click Save Changes to save this as your new URL.
6. If the URL you have chosen is not available you will see a warning. Please return to Step 3 and try and new unique URL. Don't forget to click Save Changes when you are finished.
8. Click Open to open your business in Deputy.
You will see the URL displayed is now your new customised URL.
Using the new URL to access your Deputy account
- your original URL containing numbers and letters OR
- your new personalised URL OR
- https://once.deputy.com
Note: You can change your personalised URL multiple times but please only log in to the most recently updated URL to ensure you are on the most up-to-date version of Deputy.